Unlikely Companions

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Nedual winced when she heard Rhylaston's sharp intake of breath. Time seemed to stand still as she waited in silence to either be hauled off as the criminal she was, for her own crimes or that of her families, or for him just to pull out a dagger and end her right then and there. He did neither. Instead, she felt him gently grip her chin with his fingers and force her gaze to his. She tensed but allowed his to lift her chin and regretted that decision immediately. Rhylaston was looking down at her with a mix of pity and...something she did not recognize. But it was the pity that gripped her. Snatching her face out of his grasp, Nedual barred her teeth like a wild animal and growled low. Rhylaston did not even flinch, only raised one eyebrow in amusement which only angered her more. "Do not presume you know me just because you have heard my family's name on the tongues of every gossip monger between the Underdark and the Surface. You know nothing!", she yelled and spun on her heel, dismissing him entirely. Before she could make one step, his hand reached out and grabbed her arm in a vice like grip, yanking her back to face him. Nedual came to the conclusion that this male was not used to being dismissed so readily and that she has had enough of him touching her. So she did whirl around to face him...just before she pulled the dagger from her thigh and pressed the tip to his jugular. Rhylaston's eyes widened slightly and he had enough brains to slowly raise both hands in surrender. This made her smile. Thinking she had both made her point and won, she opened her mouth to tell him just what she thought of him...But was quickly silenced as Rhylaston grabbed her wrist, twisted her around, pulled her hard against his chest and placed her own dagger at her throat. She felt him smile against her ear and knew, without a doubt, that she had met her match...Rhylaston was not a drow to be underestimated. This made Nedual what to know his story, against her better judgement. Nothing good ever came from delving in too deep or getting to close to anyone. Knowing too much made nature take its coarse...one becomes attached...interested...involved...But even though she could afford none of these things, Nedual knew she would not fight the curiosity that was overwhelming her. "...Truce...", she said softly. Rhylaston did not move. He seemed to be mulling over her words to find any truth to them. Finally, after several moments of silence save his breath on her ear, he nodded slightly and released her. "Truce. Under one condition, little sprite." Nedual lifted her own brow in question. "What condition...and stop calling me that...", she said, slightly annoyed. Rhylaston smiled wide, like a cat that just got into the cream. "I have a trip to make...and you are coming with me..."

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