Rhylaston of House Noquval

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Rules, duties, expectations, respect, ambition...These were the bars that made up the guilded cage that came with being a nobles son and only heir. Responsibilities that were an endless list of events that was Rhylaston's life. A small price to pay for the luxuries Rhy partook in every single day of his very well planned out life...A life perfectly articulated by his father, Shynt'dyn, head of House Noquval and the Matron's Chief of War. That royal connection is exactly what has put him in the current dilemma that is fraying on his every nerve this day...

Pacing from wall to stone wall of his spacious rooms in Noquval Manor, Rhy's mind was a chaotic storm, caught in between duty and all out rebellion. One word was caught in that storm, tearing down his resolve with each passing second...Marriage...Arranged marriage to the Matron's only daughter who wanted this marriage even less than he did and was not afraid to make it known. He has heard of nothing else from the gossip mongers of the court. They whispered behind their hands, curious as to the kind of man Rhy must be to cause the princess to behave in such a way to try and get out of their arrangement. They blamed him!! And he was the one not rebelling against the duty he had to his family!! Frustrated and angry, Rhy ran a hand through his snow white hair and left his rooms. He needed to get some air. He needed to clear his head and gain some perspective. Ignoring his mother's questioning gaze as he stormed out of the manor, he headed out into the street and towards Menzoberranzan plaza in the center of the city.

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