The Prince and the Pauper

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Nedual looked down at Rhys hand, her fingers twitching with the urge to put her hand in his. But life had hardened her a long time ago and with that came a natural instinct to be calculate everything before making a decision that may change everything. The moments ticked by in silence as Nedual mulled over the pros and cons of Rhys proposal, while Rhy himself stood with his hand still extended, patiently waiting for her answer. He watched her closely as every emotion and expression flitted across her face, her gaze never leaving his hand. Rhy was beginning to lose hope as the minutes came and left...until Nedual's small hand slipped into his. Their gazes locked, a silent understanding passing between them. She was putting her trust in him, something she has never done before and Rhy did not take such an act lightly.

Nodding at the petite thief before him, a plan already forming in his head, he released her hand. Nedual, however, did not. Her grip tightened on Rhys hand, catching him by surprise. Making no more move, Rhy looked down at Nedual with a raised eyebrow, intrigued at what the little sprite was up to now.

Her breath hitched in her throat at that intimidated look upon his face but she did not let it distract her from what she was about to do. Closing the distance between them, Nedual placed her palms against the flat plains of his stomach gently, encouraged when his muscles tightened beneath her touch. "...I just wanted to express to you..." Her palms skimmed up his body to his chest, her gaze lifting to his. Rhy did not move. "...Just how grateful I am..." Nedual's moved her fingers into his hair, bringing her face so close to his that their breath's mingled as she spoke. Rhy had to admit...she had his attention completely. "...That you are willing to help me..." Rhy exhaled slowly, trying to keep his composure, which was beginning to fail him miserably. Until he felt cold steel press to his throat. Nedual took this time to mock him, raising a brow at him, one corner of her lips curving into a sly grin. "...But if you cross me...I will not hesitate to slit your throat in your sleep..." Dropping the dagger, she turned on her heel and dismissed him, feeling pretty triumphant and walked away towards the exit into the city. She took 3 steps.

She did not even have time to think about retaliating before she was turned, slammed against the hard stone wall with her wrists pinned above her head. Rhy stared down at her, his jaw clenching repeatedly in annoyance, his body pressed so tightly against hers that she could not escape his scent...Rhy smelled of sandalwood and male...All male. She was instantly regretting her actions.

Gripping both her small wrists with his right hand, he used his left to grip her chin firmly so she had no choice but to look at him. "Let me make myself perfectly clear, little sprite." Nedual made a face but quickly stopped when his grip tightened on her wrists. "You will do as I say if you want your head to remain on your shoulders. One wrong move and I'll toss you before the nearest guard who will be all too pleased to take the credit for your capture." When she said nothing, he pressed her chin up forcefully. "Do you understand so far?" Nedual clenched her jaw stubbornly but nodded. Satisfied, Rhy continued. "Now, if you wish to still leave this place, pull your cloak on and hide your face. You will walk two steps behind me. You hands will be clasped behind your back and your gaze will be on the ground by my feet."

Nedual had to struggle not to lash out at him. She knew exactly what his plan was. And she did not approve. Rhy, seeing the anger that began to cloud her gaze, brought his lips to her ear to make doubly sure she did not miss one word. "You will act like a nobles slave should act. You will stay silent. You will not look up, you will not unclasp your hands. You will remain as such until you feel the suns rays upon you. And even then, little sprite...If you cross ME...I won't wait until you are sleeping to slit your throat."

Rhy crushed his lips to hers without another word, solidifying just who was at who's mercy and who was in control. It was over as quickly as it began. Before Nedual could collect her wits, Rhy had already disarmed her completely. "Put your hood on and follow me." It was not a request. She did as she was told, lifting one hand to her lips. She was completely out of her league here...

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