Home For Christmas

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The Christmas holidays were rapidly approaching and Hermione was already packing her trunk, eager to spend two weeks at home and tell her parents all about the magical world. Over the last few weeks, Hermione, Harry and Ron spent their free time in the library looking for any trace of Nicholas Flamel since Hagrid mentioned his name. Hermione spent more time than ever in the library searching every book she could get her hands on but didn't find a trace of Flamel.

In the Gryffindor dormitory, Hermione carefully packed her trunk, folding her clothes with precision and selecting the books she wished to take home. Among her belongings, she discreetly tucked away a supply of essential items she needed. Hermione then dressed into her muggle clothes, a denim jacket and skinny jeans. Hermione also ensured she was wearing the appropriate underwear for a long train journey.

With her trunk neatly organized and her secrets secure, Hermione made her way to the Gryffindor common room. There, she found Harry and Ron engaged in a lively conversation by the crackling fireplace. They looked up as Hermione approached, her expression a blend of excitement and wistfulness.

"I'll be going home for the Christmas holidays!" Hermione told the boys, a smile spreading across her face.

"That's great, Hermione!" Harry exclaimed, sharing in her excitement.

Ron nodded in agreement, a hint of longing in his eyes. He had grown fond of the bustling atmosphere at Hogwarts and cherished the camaraderie he had found among his friends.

"But I'll miss both of you," Hermione admitted, her voice tinged with a touch of sadness. 

"The library will feel so empty without our late-night study sessions." Ron joked

Harry and Ron exchanged sympathetic glances, understanding Hermione's sentiments. The trio had spent countless hours immersed in books and research, their shared pursuit of knowledge forging a bond between them that felt unbreakable.

"We'll miss you too, Hermione," Harry said with a small smile.

Hermione nodded, comforted by her friend's words. She knew that, in their absence, the castle would be quieter, the hallways empty without their animated discussions and spirited debates.

As she sat, she caught Ron's gaze drifting to the waistline of her Pampers, which was peeking out above her jeans. Mortified, Hermione quickly pulled her top down to hide it, her cheeks flushing crimson.

"Er, Hermione, your...um, waistline is showing," Ron said, his voice laced with embarrassment.

As the day drew to a close, Hermione bid farewell to her fellow Gryffindors, her trunk securely packed and her wand tucked safely away. Walking through the castle's corridors one final time, she took in the familiar sights—the portraits lining the walls, the suits of armour standing guard, and the towering staircases that had become her daily companions.

Finally, Hermione made her way to the Hogwarts Express, feeling a mix of anticipation and nostalgia. She found an empty compartment and settled in, making sure to put on a fresh nappy for the journey to ensure her comfort and security.

As the Hogwarts Express made its journey towards London, Hermione found herself feeling a mix of excitement and nostalgia. It would be her first time leaving Hogwarts since she first arrived, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for the magical atmosphere of the castle. However, the thought of being reunited with her parents filled her heart with warmth.Finding a comfortable compartment, Hermione settled in, gazing out of the window as the winter landscape passed by. The train was filled with fellow students, their chatter and laughter creating a lively atmosphere. Hermione smiled, knowing that she was not alone in her journey home. 

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