I like you

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Sorry I have her posted in a hot minute but expect some more chapters soon.
"Want me to walk you home?" Ellie asked as we stepped out of the tipsy bison. She looked at me, eyes full of hope.

"Sure." I said giving her a reassuring smile. We walked down the street towards my home. Ellie glanced at me a few times, I pretended like I didn't see she was looking. Our hands brushed against each other. Ellie slowly interlinked her hand with mine.

I looked at her with a smile and giggled. Ellie giggled back. Slowly swaying our hands back and forth.

We arrived at my front door Ellie stopped and looked at me. She let go of my hand.

"I had a really good time." Ellie said with a smirk. I didn't want her to leave, I wanted her to stay.

"You want to come inside?" I asked slowly opening the door and walking inside. Ellie followed behind me looking around my house.

"Your place is so nice." Ellie said standing there awkwardly. She was so adorable with her awkward smile.  

I walked slowly standing in front of her, she watched every step I took.

"I like you a lot." Ellie said lightly grabbing both my hands in hers. Her face inches from mine.

"I like you too." I said in a whisper. Ellie broke the gap between us lightly kissing me. I wrapped my hands around her neck, hers wrapping around my waist.

The kiss slowly became more passionate as Ellie ran her hands up and down my back. I wrapped my legs around her waist as she held my thighs.

She walked us to my bedroom laying me down on the bed. She interlaced her hands with mine pulling them above my head. She kissed me like she wanted to take all the air out of my lungs. She broke from the kiss straddling my hips.

"I don't want to rush anything." Ellie said out of breath. She cupped her hand on my cheek stroking her thumb across my skin, I leaned into her touch.

She got off me standing beside my bed. She offered her hands to help me get up.

"I'm sorry if I-" I said slightly embarrassed.

"No I want this it's just I don't want to rush anything." She said tucking a loose piece of hair behind my ear.

"Ok." I whispered as I gave her a soft kiss.

We walked out of the bedroom heading for the front door. She turned to face me before giving me a sweet kiss.

"Good night." She said in a whisper.

"Good night." I said waving as she walked down the street.

I shut the door and went to bed feeling all giddy.

Ellie Williams One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now