2. black mercedes

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star's pov

fucking fuck, my head.

i blindly reach over to my nightstand, looking for my phone.
wait a sec.

this isn't my nightstand.

my mind is racing as i get up and rub my eyes, squinting at the sunlight beaming through the window. i'm in... a hotel room?

oh god. i don't remember a single thing. who's room is this??

i look around and note that it's suspiciously empty. there's no stuff on the other side of the bed. no suitcases, no clothes, not even a phone charger. how did i get here?

there's a sharp pain in my head. "fuck," i groan and flop back onto the pillow for a moment. then i hear a knock on the door.


oh god oh fuck.

i quickly get up and look for my dress on the floor. i'm wearing my underwear and that's about it. i don't even wanna know who brought me here. ugh, what if it was a guy? i shake off the idea and rush to get dressed as the housekeeping lady opens the door to the room. i grab my phone and whatever else i can find of mine and rush out into the living area.

holy shit this is a big hotel room.

there's a balcony, a skylight, a full kitchen, a dining area with a crystal chandelier. now i'm slightly more intrigued as to who i may or may not have slept with last night.

"oh, so sorry!" the lady apologizes and begins to back out.

"no, no i'm just leaving! it's all set in here. thank you!" i respond and rush out with my heels in hand. i can hear her giggle as i quickly slip out the door. i take note of the room number.

room 204.

as much as i'd love to spare myself the embarrassment and get the hell out of this fancy ass lobby, i stop at the front desk. "hi, sorry, can you tell me, um..." they certainly can't give me the name of who's staying in the room.

"when is check out for room 204?"

the man just looks at me. "ma'am, that is a high profile suite. do you have a room key?"

i sigh and shake my head. "i uh.. no. i lost it."

"what i can tell you is that our guest in room 204 checked out early this morning. sh- they will not be returning. whatever your business is here, i encourage you to please put your shoes on your feet and take it elsewhere."

"i'm so sorry. have a nice day." i smile, almost sarcastically. judgy as hell.

well, whoever it was must be a real gentleman. not only leaving before i can wake up, but checking out of the room and leaving me in there? what is his deal?

his. i'm assuming. right? lord.

listen, it's not that i'm a lesbian or anything.

(sure girl.)

i just find myself less and less attracted to men lately. i've always liked women, too, it's just that not everyone knows that part.

i try to remember as much as i can on the cab ride back to my moms. i remember the line being long, i remember wanting another drink... yeah it's all so blurry. whatever. i'm flying back to LA tonight anyway, my biggest issue right now is this hangover.

— later at the airport —

"you're sure you have everything you need? did you grab your meds? i know how you get dehydrated, make sure you buy bottled water at the gate. the good kind, not the cheap kind with the sodium in it." my mom rambles, her hand on my shoulder in front of the line for bag check.

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