3. starstruck

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star's pov:

"smile!" my roommate, olivia, snaps a picture of me with my bagel. i'm back at my favorite coffee shop, tierra mia. they have the BEST bagels.

"sooo," she puts her phone down. "how was new york? i haven't seen you in almost a week."

"it was nice!" i smile. "it's always good to see my mom, yknow?"

"and your friends, i'm sure. i saw some cute pics of you guys at the club on bella's insta yesterday!" she smiles back, taking a sip of her coffee.

"oh really? lemme see." i pull out my phone, opening instagram and checking my tagged. there it is, a pic of me, bella, mia, and a few randos in the background.

"you looked gooood girl!" she laughs, glancing at my screen. "i know this has KJ fucked up."

"ugh, do not say his name." i make a face before taking a bite of my bagel.

KJ is an ex. simple as that. from high school, back in new york. i haven't seen him in a couple years except for the occasional social media interaction, and i don't plan on seeing him anytime soon.

"i thought it ended well between you guys? and i just figured because he's moving out here..." she tilts her head.

"it ended fine, i'm just not interested." i pause. "wait what? he's moving out here? like here here?"

"well, long beach, so not far. how did you not know about this? i don't even follow him, i just follow some people in your friend group from when you took me on that ski trip. they literally were posting about a goodbye party like two weeks ago." she shrugs.

"i don't know, i guess i just haven't really been on instagram lately. shit stresses me out." i start to mess with my hands.

"okay, i can tell you're starting to worry over this so i need you to take a deep breath and relax." she grabs my hand across the table. "you're gonna be fine, star, you don't even have to talk to him if you don't want to. i just figured you
might be looking forward to it since the only reason you told me you broke up is the distance."

i sigh, nodding and taking a couple breaths. "you're right, i know, i just feel bad that i'm not really into him anymore. i don't know what it is... i just don't wanna have to confront it if he reaches out."

"don't even dwell on it. if he reaches out, just tell
him you're enjoying being single or you wanna just be friends. cross that bridge when you get to it," she smiles reassuringly, pushing my plate towards me. "now eat ya damn bagel." she does her new york accent that always makes me laugh.

"thanks liv." i smile and enjoy my bagel.

"so how was the club that night?" she asks, going back to the original topic.

"girl i do not remember." i laugh, shaking my head.

"don't tell me you blacked out." she raises her eyebrows.

"all i know is i woke up in a HOTEL ROOM. the craziest hotel room i've ever seen. i'm talking balcony, chandelier..." i go on to tell the story of that morning. "after going in for a second drink the night before, i don't remember a single thing about meeting anyone."

"well whoever they were, sounds like they had some damn money." she sips her coffee. "didn't you say there was a higher cover and super long line to get in? like longer than usual?"

"yeah, why?" i shrug.

"giiiirl, you fucked a celebrity!" she half-jokes.

"oh my god," i laugh, shaking my head. "no. absolutely no way i'd forget that. plus, everyone would know about it."

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