10. walk away

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star's pov
12:49 am

i glance at my side mirror once again, hoping to see a pair of headlights take the corner.

i haven't heard from billie all day. i texted her this morning to no response and i texted her earlier this afternoon when i dropped her car off. it's not here, so somebody came and got it i assume?

just as i pick up my phone to text her, it vibrates with a notification. a text from KJ.

in case you forgot, KJ is my ex from high school. we had a long term thing, broke up because he was staying in new york, and now haven't talked in a while. apparently he's moved out to long beach. i'm not all that interested, but i guess he wants to see me.

"Hey liz, I don't know if you heard, but I'm in long beach. I'm gonna be working here for a while so if you wanna get coffee or anything sometime just let me know. I'd really love to see you and there's a lot I wanna say to you"

KJ was always nice. it was a rough breakup and he didn't take it well. i was at the point where i could move on until he reacted the way he did, and it just made the entire thing so much more difficult than it needed to be. of course your first heartbreak is something you never forget, but it just didn't need to get to the point that it got to. i don't really talk about it because it's all so unnecessarily traumatic.

i start to type a response, but i'm not even sure if i wanna send it. i look up to finally see those familiar headlights in my rearview.

as i turn off my car and unbuckle my seatbelt, billie walks over and opens the door for me. "hey," she smiles, reaching for my hand.

"hi!" i smile back, excitedly taking her hand and stepping out of the car. she gives me a subtle look up and down, but she's obviously not as subtle as she thinks she is.

"look at you in your little converse." she smiles and i look down at my shoes. "what? i wear these all the time." i laugh, closing the car door.

"nothing, they're just cute. i like them." she shrugs, slowly dropping my hand and putting hers in her pockets.

"okay, blue." i smile, turning toward the sidewalk to start walking.

"how was your day?" she follows behind me as i lock my car and put my keys in my pocket.

"boring. i had the day off though because my boss is sick." i turn to her. "but i missed you today."

"shit, i know." she sighs. "i'm sorry i was late tonight, star, i was gonna text you but i literally left my brothers house and drove straight here."

"music stuff?" i look up at her as she catches up to me.

"yeah. we literally just started a song this morning and we recorded it allll day. we just have to double some stuff, it's all layering and... whatever. production shit." she shakes her head.

she seems different tonight. i'm not sure what changed, but something is new with her. she's in a good mood, clearly, but she's anxious.

billie's pov

i have to tell her. this is who i am, and this is how i feel about you. easy enough, right?


"are you okay?" she looks up at me, concerned.

"yeah, i'm fine. did i do something weird? i'm sorry." i laugh nervously.

"no, not at all. you just seem anxious."

i look at her, and the look in her eyes is so genuine. the eye contact gets me every time. i almost get lost just looking at her face.

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