Chapter 15 Part 1

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Ahh,I'm so happy to be home at last. I've missed my brother soo much! I walked into the living room as quietly as I can,I wanted to surprise him.I started walking down the hall,but then stopped abruptly.

I heard moans coming from my brother's room..must be his girlfriend. I started laughing non-stop.I laughed so hard that I fell on the floor making a huge thud.

"Haha ouch."I said while laughing at my own pain.

The door finally opened and out came my brother looking as red as a tomato.He helped me up and I started laughing again,I mean having your younger sister catch you having sex? How embarrassing!

"H-hey y/n umm what are you doing home..?" He said shakily."Oh did you forget that I come back home today? I mean you did right it on your calendar right?" I asked with a smirk.

He just glared at me,I'm enjoying this so much.His girlfriend finally came out."Heyyy stacyyy wassup girllll!" I said while giving her a hug."Y/N..hey.." She said as shakily as my brother did."You know,you guys were pretty loud,you're lucky one of the neighbors didn't come over." I said while laughing once again.My brother and his girlfriend just went back in the room glaring at me. Wow he didn't even give me a hug haha.



It feels so good to be back in California.I walked in my house taking in the sweet scent of the living room. It was empty.

"Hm,I guess no one is home." I said.

I started walking up the steps and looked into Brice's room. "Well I guess he's not home",then I went into Lexi's room,"And she's not home either..where is everyone?"

I was about to go to my room when I heard loud noises coming from my parent's bedroom.I walked to the door and put my ear on it.I couldn't believe what I was hearing! I started running to my room but then I ran into the wall.

"FRICK" I said way too loudly.

My dad came out the room surprised to see me,my mom came out the room just as surprised."Brent..hi honey.." My mom said."Hi son.." My dad said.

"Mother,father" I said while turning my head to look at both of them."Did you guys forget that I was coming home..which is today." I said sternly.

"We didn't forget really..we were waiting for you.." My dad said.

"So you decided to have sex while waiting?"

"Well actually we-" My mom started,but I cut her off.

"You know what,I don't really wanna know so just go back to what you were doing,I'm gonna go over to y/n..bye." I said while running down the stairs.


I knocked on the door of my girlfriend's house. To my surprise she didn't answer the door,a guy,who looked rather surprised to see me answered the door..he must be her brother..

"Um who are you?" He asked.

"I-I'm Brent.." I said nervously. I can already feel my armpits about to sweat.

"Brent who?" He said while crossing his arms in front of his chest.


"Oh,you're that boy that my sister is always talking about."

I started smiling,"She talks about me."

"Yea,a little bit too much to be exact",he said with a laugh,"come in."

I walked into their home which was a lot bigger than I imagined."Nice place."I said in awe.I could only imagine what y/n's bedroom would look like,I couldn't help but smirk at the thought of it."Why are you smirking?" He asked. Damn it,he caught me!

"Oh umm I was just thinking of how..your house would be a good place to have a um..a barbeque.." I said rather nervously once again! "Ah huh..I'll think about it." He said while touching his chin groomingly.



We just chuckled at her.

"Ugh Jason why did you call me down here-OH MY GOD BRENT!"


"I'm leaving,y/n I'm staying over by Stacy for 3 days so try not to mess up the house." He said with a smirk."Ok,and you try not to break the condom." She said also smirking,oh my god,she has no idea what that smirk does to me.

"Haha very funny,bye children."

Y/N locked the door and then turned her body to me,I had to take a minute to see what she was wearing.

She was wearing yoga shorts that make her butt stand out perfectly,a green jersey that said "Pretty Girl" on it in white,and had mixed matched ankle socks on. Her hair was out and wavy,her face was clear and pure just the way I like it,natural beauty. And she had diamond earrings on in the shape of a heart. This girl always looks beautiful without even trying.

I walked up to her and made her body press against the door. I kissed her as she wrapped her arms around my neck."Come on baby,let's go to your room." I said while leading her to the stairs.


Heyyy goyssssss *I meant to say it that way* I updated and I'm happy,my story has gotten to 1.5k so thank you thank you thank you to everyone whose reading my story,I really appreciate it.

I'll be updating tomorrow too.

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