The Date Part 2

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(A/N just so you know there might be a sex scene for all you dirty minded children lol ahem but if you do not like that kind of stuff kindly skip that part without making a commotion about it and go on with your life )


I'm so nervous for tonight ughhhhh ok I just have to be myself.. Wait what if he doesn't like the real me?!?! Ok ok I have to calm do-


"Huh what"

"I've been trying to get your attention for two minutes now", Lexi said sternly.

"Sorry I was just thinking."I sighed,"Lexi..what if I'm not good enough? I mean this is my first date with a guy and I don't wanna ruin it.."

"Y/N you're beautiful, amazing,talented, you have everything Brent wants in a girl and if he doesn't see that..well..I'm gonna kick his butt."Lexi said while laughing.

I laughed,"Thanks Lexi."

"No prob-"


Lexi was interrupted by someone knocking on the door,"Um y/n it's me Brent a-are you ready to go?"

My heart started beating really fast.Lexi must've noticed since she was fanning me with one of my books."I-I'll be right out",I said nervously."O-ok",he said also nervously.


I walked out of my room trying to not fall in these heels.I was wearing a white dress with a few black dots and black heels.I was also wearing socks.My hair was put back into a high pony tale with some hair let out and was curly at the ends.The minute I got in front of Brent his eyes went wide.

"Y-you look beautiful y/n",he said shyly.I giggled at his cuteness,"You look great too."

He was wearing a blue silk blouse with black pants and black Jordan's..he smelled really nice too."So umm shall we go?",he asked."Yes we shall."

I'm just gonna skip the date I'm not really that good at writing date parts but the sexual scene is coming up ;)


We just arrived back at the tour bus,this date was amazing."Brent I had a really great time"I said."So did I",he said while smiling.

When we walked into the bus there was no one inside."Well do you wanna watch a movie?"Brent asked."Yea let me just change first."

I went into my room and took off my heels."Ugh relief at last",I said blissfully.When I was done changing I went to Brent's room.As I walked in I noticed that he didn't have a shirt on so I can see his muscles.He was in very good shape.I didn't realize I was staring until he said,"Haha you like the view baby."I giggled and laid down next to him on his bed.

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