Now We Know

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Tenten’s POV

Of course, I went back to the training field to get my mind off of things. I silently prayed for it to be empty, so I don’t have to explain to anyone about the sudden call for me. I guess Lady Luck wasn’t on my side today. To my dismay, I found my whole team there, along with Hinata’s and Ino’s. Why? They bombarded me with questions when this saw me, noticing I was gone when they came. “Tenten, are you okay?” “What did Tsunade say?” I tried to answer, but everytime I did someone just asked something new. Then I lose it. “WILL YOU LET ME ANSWER YOUR DAMN QUESTIONS AND STOP TALKING?” I yelled. Everyone gulped in fear. I took a slow breath, “I am not going on a mission. Lady Tsunade just wanted to tell me about my family, because she found out about it.” I stopped there praying they wouldn’t ask about it. They did. “Well? What about your family?” Ino burst out. “A-ano, (A/N Um in Japanese) I found out I was an Uchiha and is Sasuke’s baby sister?” I squeaked. “You’re kidding right?” “No.” “WHHHAAAATT?” was everyone’s reaction. I couldn’t take it anymore so I just sprinted home, not knowing a certain Hyuuga was following me.

Neji POV

‘The Uchiha’s sister?’ I thought while following her home. I knew she wouldn’t listen, so I went to the Hokage instead. “Lady Tsunade!” I yelled. “What Neji?” “Is it true, is Tenten really an Uchiha?” She sighed. “Yes, it’s true. Also, don’t call her Tenten anymore. Call her Akemi, her real name. And, you might want to know her birthday is next week. Now, please tell everyone else and tell them to not disturb me. One more thing, DON’T CHARGE INTO MY OFFICE!” I saw she was in the middle of briefing a team for a mission. I muttered a small ‘Gomen’ and left. I went back to the training field, and to my surprise I found everyone there still waiting for me. They looked at me, waiting for an answer. “It’s true, I asked the hokage herself. Her name is actually Akemi and she wants us to start calling her that. Also, her birthday is next week.” I said before leaving again. I heard the murmurs of everyone discussing her birthday and identity. This is certainly a shock.

Sasuke POV

“Ne, teme! What did Tsunade baa-chan want?” “Naruto! Treat the hokage with respect!” “Itai! Sakura!” “Sakura, Naruto, shut up and let me explain.” I said coolly. “I found out I have a baby sister.” Naruto and Sakura’s eyes widened. “Well? Who is she? Is she someone we know?” “Yes. It’s Tenten, or her real name, Akemi.” “Tenten? Who’s Tenten?” Naruto asked questionably. Sakura spoke for me. “She’s the one with the buns on her head. The famous ‘Weapons Mistress’ for her 100% accuracy. “Oh.” “Dobe.” I muttered. “WHAT WAS THAT TEME?” *sigh*

Hope y’all enjoyed this chapter! Comment, Vote, and Follow! –JutsuTenten

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