The Mystery

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The Fault in our Copyrights



I closed my door gently and walked tiredly to bed. Hyuuga dinners are really something. Throughout the whole night, the conversations were minimal, almost silent. The tension in the air was so thick, you could cut it with one of my kunai. I was relieved to finally leave, but also saddened as I had to leave Neji and Hinata. My mind was spiraling with thoughts, as I thought about what Neji said to me before dinner.


"Akemi? Can you come with me for a second?" Neji asked. Huh, I wonder what he wants. I followed him to the Hyuuga library where no one was inside. "So uhhhh..." I didn't know what to say. "I just wanted to tell you that Uncle Hiashi might be questioning you, so be warned." Oh. He just wanted to talk about his family. Guess I should've known. "And also..... yes, we could be a couple.... if you want to of course." he added, his cheeks tinting a light pink. I felt my face heat up. "Oh, yeah I'd like that." I said, giving a soft smile. " Well, it's probably time for dinner" he declared, standing up. I stood up as well, following him. Before we exited, he abruptly turned around and pressed his lips to mine, giving me a tender kiss. I could feel his smirk on my lips. He pulled away, smirked, and left. Hot damn.


My mind was racing and cheeks heating up just thinking about it. I let myself fall into the world of dreams as I laid back on my bed.


A snake slithered out of the shadows. It suddenly transformed into something, something not human. "My lord, your ssuspicionsss have been confirmed. The demon hasss arisssen." A man was sitting in the chair in front of the snake man. "Thank you, you may now leave." The man turned back into a snake and slithered away. "The Uchiha Demon, eh? How delightful. A new subject, yes, and also someone to destroy the Akatsuki, and then the world would be mine."


The alarm rang. I shot out of bed as I glanced at the clock. 6 am, time for training. My mind was going bonkers at the dream I just had. What does it mean? And who was that snake man? I was asking myself questions I knew I didn't have the answer to. I must go to someone who does. I headed out the door and started running to the apartment complex in the middle of Konoha.

Who is this man? The world may never know. Just kidding, comment your guess and the winner will have a special prize!

OMGGGG I FINALLY UPDATED! I am sooooo sorry for blowing you guys off like that! TBH, I have lost interest in this story because I feel like the writing is horrible, since I wrote this when I was younger. Tell me if you guys want me to continue, or else I'll write a new story. Thanks so much for your patience. I hope to get y'all's comments! Until next time, PEACE!


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