(Prologue) The 3 Hel walkers ; Ruin, Ra'in, and Drakon Unal

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Ruin & Ra'in are the first Helwalkers who created the underworld and also brother and sister.
Ruin wants to rule as king, but Ra'in wants to choose a pawn to rule instead of Ruin.
Drakon Unal is the Chosen figurehead for Ra'in and the 3rd Helwalker (ruin doesn't know).
Unal doesn't want to rule much less serve as ra's puppet, so he steals an ancient Helwalker weapon ;"The Knife of Hel's Screams", to create a portal to the surface and escapes the underworld, leaving Ruin and Ra'in to their power struggle.
Ra'in is strong enough to ensure Ruin can't defeat her head on.
Unfortunately, Ruin resorts to treachery and Removes Ra'ins soul as she sleeps, which reverts her back to a regular Hel walker devoid of her abilities, then challenges her for the throne.
Ruin wins and Ra'in is now dead making him the "King of the underworld" and the presumed Last of his kind. 
Ruin finds out about Unal's escape method and learns of his Helwalker spirit from Ra'in.
He then Uses the portal to find Unal and use him as a Vessel (New body) in search of the "Golden spirit of Fukkatsu"; an ancient spirit  said to have fallen from the sky and later found by Kansrias Holy shield who then later deemed it the "Foreign star".
Ruin follows Unal's scent to where humans inhabit and deem; "Mother Earth"doesn't find Unal, but instead finds a mother and her two twin daughters. One is human and the other possesses a faint spirit indistinguishable from that of a Helwalker, but both of the girls are seemingly human to the naked eye
Ruin follows them to their home and later kidnaps the Half demon child across from her sister fast asleep and Ashens her skin before taking her to the underworld through Unal's portal where he later woke her in his personal quarters with a tapping of the Glass screen she laid behind.
Ruin asks her name, She starts to scream and panic at the sight of Hel's king.  instead of honoring his request, angering ruin who violently smashes the glass and grabs the child
The child feels the kings anger and with fright in her voice she submits her name
*The King's eyes widen*
To be continued....

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