Episode 6 : -The Emmisary; Minister Condor, Island 0 after the escape-

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Island 0; The Holy Shield HQ. We return later at night as Jail Sword deals with the fallout of the meeting with Face changer and the demon encounter on Holy shield grounds.

Jail : "HURRY UP DAMMIT. PATCH IT ALL, NOW! The headmaster is coming!. If you bastards embarrass me that'll be the end of you!!"
*The Troops scatter to fix the giant hole in the wall and the floors outside and inside the office that are burned*
*A few troops start to freeze up in the halls and quickly go to salute as the camera zooms in on white shoes and 4 other metallic looking feet stepping down the hall toward Jail's office*
Jail : "MOVE THAT BOOK CASE, HAND ME THAT RUG, Move it Move it! If he finds out we let them escape-"
"I see. So that's what this is."
*Jail and everyone else inside the office stops in their tracks. And slowly looks over to the door of his office*

*He sees 3 silhouettes, one illuminated by white light with glasses and his hands behind his back standing up straight in his door way staring at him with 2 sets of red eyes glowing next to him also staring*

Jail : "M-Minister Shield....SIR" *He salutes*

MS : "Condor is fine enough Officer. At ease Men. I'm just here to have a quick chat with Enforcer Sword. I'll be out of your way soon enough."
*He and his guard start to walk in slowly closing the door behind him revealing his dissatisfied face to those in the office*
Troops : "SIR" *The ones outside continue cleaning vigorously and the others inside the office leave and help patch the wall*
*Condor and his bots stand stoic and silent staring at jail*
Jail : "Minist- uh. Condor sir. What brings you to North base today? Might I be of service to you? Perhaps Officer Crowlen is having trouble at South base and you want me to handle it?"
Condor : "Officer Jail."
*Jail ceases talking*
*Condor begins walking towards the large burn mark covered by a large carpet on the floor and signals his guard; Robots emerge from the darkness from by the door eyes blaring red*
Condor : "Imagine my surprise. I get a distress signal earlier today from the North base. The one I left you in charge of Solely because I believed you were a righteous man driven by your undying initiative. So naturally, I took my time getting here and even offered you a heads up knowing in my heart of hearts, You'd have things under control, that you will have results. But instead here you are. Looking to make this primitive cover up."
*He motions to the carpet with one hand while keeping the other behind his back*
*Jail starts to hang his head in shame"
Jail : "I promise Sir, with a little time to rebuild, perhaps if I can get a Sky bounty approved for Face changer, then Mobilize our men here in the North secto-"
*Condor turns and cuts Jail off*
Condor : "Mobilize you say?."
Jail : "Yes, a small search party for the face changer and his goons. Then-"
*Condor chuckles lightly*
Condor : "Very well. Board one of your extremely expensive Sonic ships, bring your guard and come with me."
*Condor begins walking toward the door and he passes Jail*
*Jail starts to get anxious and eventually comes out with it*
Jail : "uh..S-Sir..actually the ships are.."
Condor : "Don't tell me"
*Condor turns back around looking at Jail*
Condor : "You expected me not to check your Ports after a distress signal *Zoomed in on his scowl*. Just What story were you planning to spin here? Think I'd believe you simply knocked over a candle and kicked down the wall to let out the smoke??"
*Jail grits his teeth in silence*
Condor : "This is quite the screw up World enforcer Jail. What hurts me the most here. Is that I haven't even arrived at the true danger of all of this yet."
Jail : "What would that be sir?..."
Condor : "I'm glad you asked Officer. Allow me to show you"
*Condor snaps his fingers and the 2 robots scan the area from where they're standing, highlighting the entire burn spot in green and every other place effected by Demon energy*
Robot guards : "-Analyzation complete. Demon energy : 5.000 Knots
Demon presence at approximately 1,000 hours-"
*Jail sits in silence and shock as condor and his robots stare him down*
Condor : "Nothing to say?. Good. As if I needed Order mechs to tell me this anyway. The distress signal process requires a series of rigorous checks before and after help arrives. During this particular check I've learned some interesting and controversial information. Could you Hazard a guess where?"
Jail : "The............infirmary. Sir.."
Condor : "So you've still got a head on your shoulders. Then that means you understand how Horrific this situation is and can truly become if unchecked"
*Condor starts to walk towards the door and the robots follow then they stop*
Condor : "I believe in your strength and respect your resolve. Therefore I won't seek to punish you for this Unimaginable Blunder. Or even this ineffective cover up attempt."
*Condor looks back at jail as his glasses shine*
Condor : "But if you think you deserve reinforcements, forward mobilization, further extended use of Holy shield resources . You're sorely mistaken beyond belief. I'll have an impounded pirate ship sent here, it'll fit you and a few guards. Handle this yourself, get your ships back, and I expect to see those responsible thrown into the empty room bloody and starving. Got it? *His eyes reveal to be staring jail in his eyes and his eyebrows lower to a frown*
Jail : "Thank you sir..I promise you will not regret this" *He bows*
Jail : "I will surely serve those involved a lifetime of regret for their transgressions."
*cracks his knuckles*
"They will not even have the dignity of being wanted men."
*Starts to get angry and his gloves start to surge white electricity*
"I will rob them from this land on behalf of all of Kansria and the Holy Defenses that be!"
*A small shock wave goes out from his gloves. Shocking dead the 2 robots that were in range*
*Jails anger unravels at his accident*
Jail : "AH! Minister Shield! Please accept my apologies Sir! I let my emotions get the best of me Sir!" *He salutes with an embarrassed look*
Condor : "At ease Soldier." *He walks toward the exit and puts his hand on the door then stops and looks back at jail*
Condor : "Pardon me Officer Jail but something slipped my mind." *he pulls his hand off the door and stands up straight looking at jail*
Jail : "Glad you remembered before you left. What might that be Minister?"
Condor : "We've got a new feature on the Order bots. You and all officers presiding over Kansria are being given test subjects before the project is made sector wide. Infuriating as it is, your situation at least lit a fire under me. It's time to take care of things. For the good of Kansria. Isn't that right officer?"
*Jail salutes enthusiastically*
Jail : "Always will be Minister Shield Sir!"
Condor : "I told you. Condor is fine. I've no need for overzealous titles"
Jail : "U- Yes, Condor Sir" *he puts his hand behind his neck*
"So this Order bot upgrade testing. When will the subjects be sent out to the Officers?"
Condor : "The test project began effective immediately, all Emissaries of the shield were dispersed with the cargo this 0900 hours."
Jail : "Great! I can't wait to put them to use, I can make them go into town and survey the area and bring me back a 24 hour report. Not to mention they're nowhere near strangers to combat.. I dare Face Changer to try and stand up to Me with those holding my cape *Jail chuckles*"
Condor : "About that. *He closes his eyes*"
Jail : "Hm?"*He stops his planning to listen*
Condor : "You've actually already received your test subjects."
*Jail looks around extremely confused*
Jail : "Wait...Sir you wouldn't happen to be the Emissary in charge of delivering....my bots?"
Condor : "Indeed I am"
Jail : *He remembers those 2 bots that dropped dead* "Those order bots you had with you..."
*Condor chuckles lightly and turns back to the door*
Condor : "You've got a lot more to do than throw a carpet over this mess Officer. Best get to it before the people find out. We don't want to see a rebirth of the 11 century Panic now do we?"
Jail : *Head down "Not at all Sir. I'll take that pirate ship to the port and get the metal workers on it to bring it up to Northbase standards. By the time it's in working order I'll simply track the infidels down and clamp them out of their little hole"
Condor : "Very good Soldier, do call me when it's handled. I want a look at this one myself"
*They salute and he opens the door going to leave*
Jail : *puts his hand out* "Pardon me! Minister Condor Sir!"
*Condor stops "hm?"*
Jail : "What am I to do with the...Scrap metal? I want to an provide accurate and swift analysis of the product and give my best results to the laboratory posthaste"
Condor : "Ah yes. Since this is for the greater good, Just this once."
*He opens the door says "Shields Up!"*
*All soldiers drop the last of the patched up wall and cleaning materials and quickly stand straight chanting *HOO* once and staying silent waiting for orders*
Condor : "I need all of you to spread the word throughout the island base. To account for recent incidents, There will be an impounded Pirate ship entering the port. On this ship your Officer and half of this base must report to the Hovercraft Ordinance laboratory and ferry the precious cargo back to this HQ, I've let them know what it looks like but you all are responsible for reporting changes. This will all transpire immediately. Are we in agreement gentlemen?"
*All troops salute and say "YES SIR!"*
Condor : "There you are Officer Jail, no excuses now" *He walks through the door with his eyes closed and hands behind his back past all the saluting troops*
Jail : "Yes...Minister Condor Sir"
*He turns back towards his troops at attention*
Jail : "At ease Men." *They all relax*
Jail : "The Kingslayer Face changer helping a Tainted one...This has gotten complicated." *inquiring*
*Permission to speak candidly sir?!*
Jail : "Granted." *looks at him*
*"You say Face changer was that man's name? Isn't that the man who ended the 11 century panic?"*
Jail : "*Sigh* indeed he is. We were intensely aware and tracking that cursed creature of a man all over these lands. However, when it was all said and done. Me and Minister condor led a platoon straight to the Deadly Tainted one, bloody and beaten. "
*The soldiers gasp*
*"The Red knife terrorized these lands for that long, killed many innocents, We were once the Kansria militia, strong and steadfast tracking the demon's every move. Are you sure Face changer was truly the one responsible?.."*
Jail : "If you're asking about the state of the Kansria militia at the time. Truth is.
*zooms on his face with a scowl*
He nearly wiped us out on his first rampage. We had to silently surrender"
*The soldiers stand in shock*
Jail : "This involuntary retreat caused many of the deaths in the demons rampage, as there was not enough of us to respond to those in peril and he had a way of being everywhere at once, we still don't know how. The man you know as Face changer, was one of those calling out to us."
*"Wait, but he was the one who defeated the red knife himself. With that kind of ability what could he want from us?"*
Jail : "It wasn't Face changer who needed help. It was his own father, Kaodon Sho otherwise known as "Hand Sifu".
*"No way!"*
*"He was undefeated for years"*
*"I heard about that but couldn't believe it What happened to him?"*
Jail : "That's my exact question. When his body was recovered it would seem as if he'd been beaten from the inside out. The blood was pouring from his mouth, eyes and ears. I've always wondered what could have done this. Then I was told he possessed a knife of unknown origin, it coursed with power projected as the color of red"
*"The knife he was named after.*"
Jail : "Indeed. It was the one thing used to recognize him from a glance as some would consider him relatively normal looking in Kansria. Face changer however could identify him even if he were standing behind him. And we believe this relationship between them came to a conclusion with their final battle."
*"Well if that's true, then that would mean Face changer is on our side after all?"*
*"Yeah, maybe this was a calculated attempt at getting the demons trust and later turning it in to us proving his righteous intent"*
*Jail holds up his hand, silencing the soldiers*
Jail : "Even if that were so. Why did our south base suffer such losses. Why are 2 of our brothers burned half to death in the infirmary. Why...why is he not back *clutches his fist* WITH THAT DEMON IN CHAINS?! *nearly slams his hand into the wall but stops with his gloves buzzing and let's his hand down*
*The soldiers sit in silence frightfully*
Jail : "As the Minister stated, be ready to set out tomorrow. *Starts to walk back into his office* We will begin proceedings toward his arrest and then we'll have all the time for details...*Shuts the door*"
Jail : *sitting at his desk* (Something must be done, there's no escaping the responsibility we have in resolving this crisis.)
*He starts to write ferociously*
Jail : (I will find you demon..your reign will end here this time, no matter what...)
*Fades out to Ame's sleeping face*
*Zooms in to a black screen, a small blue flame and a red flame arise. Then 2 pairs of glowing blue eyes and a pair of sharpened teeth mouthing silent words*

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