Episode 9 : "Knife Talk! The Truth Before The Battle!"

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AN = (Authors note 🗒️)

A : "That was amazing!! No wonder you're so old, who can beat that??"
W : "It was nothing, as far as a possible life threatening collapse is concerned. I must really apologize for their excitement"
A : "Tch. I'd have been fine. Except for the river of blood that was once you all, can't have you dying and now I owe you forever."
W : "Owe me for what?"
A : "What? You forget or somethin? You clearly pulled me out of there so I'd help you with this whole battle thing right?"
W : "I pulled you out, because you weren't supposed to be there. Did you not feel the pressure around you when you arrived?"
A : "Pressure? I was pretty close to being a floating body, I didn't feel a thing"
W : "Really.....That's peculiar for a regular demon"
A : "Haha! Oh yeah? What you gonna tell me those pigs have some kind of, magical "Anti - Demon island" *chuckle*
W : "Exactly right."
A : "Oh...you're serious. What the hell would they need that for? They've got guys sinking ships with their hands!"
W : "Demons often choose evil when they enter these lands and carry it out with great strength. They terrorize people, feasting on them or conscripting members of their community to lure others into a group ready to feed on the blood of the innocent or guilty. Due to their magnificent strength capability. It's imperative things be this way in our defense."
A : "Weak."
W : "Hm?"
A : "All demons you've seen up here. Got here the same way I did. And for that, they're extremely weak. You guys must be even weaker."
W : "Impossible. How do you know?"
A : "I've witnessed many be shipped off. Whether it was for being weak, breaking a rule of the slab or just because he wanted to...if you're cut off from him. All power achievable is impossible. May as well off yourself if you ask me."
W : "Who is "Him"?
A : "I don't want to bore you talking about Him. A lot of things get on my nerves but demons like him truly sicken me."
W : "We have all the time in the world for stories as long as the campfire burns."
A : "Mmmm. I don't know."
W : "What if I told you the story of this Kitana, it was born from the rushing waters of my first great loss. "
A : "Hmmm....Listening to you prattle about getting your butt kicked by a loser sounds pretty funny...Deal!"
*They shake hands*

W : "I had thought as everyone else did, that all demons were the same. He changed my mind, showed me that demons are a species. Differences are possible in all areas frightening or simple."
A : "Yeah...I wouldn't think you'd know just how many things you can find down there.."
W : "Have you ever seen a Demon that could Manipulate energy empowering a weapon?"
*Ame looks with a shocked expression*
A : "Y- You met one of those...Up. Here?"
W : "I'm sure. It was a Knife. He would use it regularly, empower it with energy conjured seemingly from thin air. He could even create things.."
*Ame gasps*
A : "But...all power is impossible up here right?....and if what you're saying is true. That would mean it had to come from.."
W : "The weapon itself. No mistaking it."
*Ame shifts in her seat*
W : "My father was a grandmaster of our personal style. Maybe doesn't seem big but everyone understood the unmatched technique of "Hand Sifu". Safe to say I could count on him to fight a battle of 20 to 100 by himself."
*Ame sits in awe as she listens*
W : "Somehow someway. I fell asleep before him after we took a few celebratory shots. It was the anniversary of my mother's life coming up."
"I heard nothing. I saw nothing. Until I heard his defeat, and I ran out to him and saw his body convulsing as that demon still stood tall. Not a scratch"
A : "So...then what happened?"
W : "At first I blamed him. Of course I retaliated, and just as my will strengthened, it was broken with the snapping of my first mask.
A : "One of your masks got broken?..."
W : Mm. As the times flow, I understood after all I'd been through, I was more knowledgeable than most on these matters. That gave me resolve, his challenging me gave me the reality check I needed to take my fathers words and turn them into this sword"
*Sching!* *Small melted blade on a sturdy Hilt*
A : "Wow, that sword is pretty nice looking all things considered. Though the blade kinda reminds me of your neck..."
W : "It was a stressful situation for all involved. However, now that I've told you this you should tell me what I want to know."
A : "M - me? Uh well.."
W : "It's fine. Tell me. Do you know a Demon like that?"
*Ame sits in silence as wudin watches her*
*long pause*

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