Episode 3 : "The Many faces, Wudin returns with a new friend of the resistance"

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Wudin and Ame enter through a cave in the Holy Shields vessel and sail until they make it to a Large camp Holding at least 300 soldiers of the "Few Faces"; Sho's personal militia specially trained by him in hand to hand combat with help from his right hands.

Ame : "This is quite the place you've got here, lot of smooth skinned people. Does everyone look the same up here?"
Wudin : "You haven't been "Up here" long have you?"
*She puts her hand to her chin pondering*
Ame : "Hmm.. I'll sayyyyy. Maybe 32 days floating around? I stopped making strikes in the boat when It almost caused a leak, not to mention I had to sleep through the Hunger."
*Wudin looks at her surprised*

As the boat slowly enters the caves small side port. Something short of an explosion sound goes off on the side of the boat
*Ame quickly ducks behind Wudin, hanging onto his leg*
Ame : "WHAT NOW???"
Wudin : "Don't panic"
Ame : "Surely you heard that right?? Your ears have been working this whole time Old man, don't be foolish at this second!"
Wudin : "Yes. I heard."
*he looks and sees a smoking hole in the side of the ship placed in the middle of the Holy shields logo*
Wudin : "And I know we particularly aren't in danger"

"Seems you've made it back with all the limbs you left with after all"
*pans over to a giant silver pistol with a smoking barrel aimed at the vessel*
"Then again.. Coulda used the practice of a real enemy invasion. Fregatura!"

The mysterious assailant puts up his pistol
In dismay and gets up from his seat walking towards wudin and Ames vessel. The dark slowly reveals a man dressed in seemingly excessive attire, a navy blue pin stripe suit and white fedora with a black ring around it and some kinda card slotted in. As he emerges he's seen still in the process of tucking his large hand cannon coming to get a look at the damage done.

Wudin : "No worries Vinny, you didn't hit anyone aboard"
Vincenzo : "Wonderful, but uhhh Keep it down will ya? Ive got an impeccable reputation"
*Ame peeks and sees Vincenzo, she slowly rises from cover and introduces herself*
Ame : "Hello! Were you the one who put that crater in this ship?"
*He looks at Ame*
Vincenzo : "Well well well, and I thought me and yous agreed no more visits to the cat house in the middle of a mission"
Wudin : "Of course I didn't, we got screamed at pretty bad that day. This was a completely unexpected pairing"
Vincenzo : "Oh yeah Wise guy? Then Who's the dame with no clothes?"
Ame : "Uhhh I...am Ame"
Wudin : "as she said this is Ame, and Ame - San, meet the best helmsman this side of South Kansria, Vincenzo Maroney"
Vincenzo : "How's it goin Toots, a friend of Sho is a good friend of mine, call me Vinny"
*He climbs the ship and takes Ames hand giving it a kiss*
*A horn sprouts from the left side of her head and she quickly hides it with her other hand*
Ame : "Oh...Eheh..Th-Thanks Vinny"
Vincenzo : "Figurati, darling"
Wudin : "Vinny, I don't suppose you have knowledge of Jane's present location?"
Vincenzo : "Hurt yourself Boss?, you don't look in dire need of a Magician right now"
Wudin : "im pretty sure Vincenzo, take a look at both of our necks."
*Vinny takes a second look at both of them, this time in shock at what he sees*
Vincenzo : "Marone! What's the big fuckin idea with this huh?? You know anything about why Sho is a different color here? You try to brand him with that Symbol you gots on ya neck sweetheart??"
*He looks at ame with an upset expression*
Ame : "What? No, no I haven't the slightest...Clue. Could you please just tell us where to find medical attention..AND CLOTHES"
*She looks at him embarrassed and frantic*
Vincenzo : "Ah, Mi Dispiace. Little miss miracle should be right upstairs. Last I heards she was workin her Hocus pocus on some poor scabs. Rumour has it, they intentionally cut themselves to see her again."
*Wudin Facepalms*
Wudin : "Ugh, Every week with this. I get being amazed, but to line your flesh irresponsibly is poor decision making."
Ame : "Cut. Themselves?? Why would someone do that to go see someone else?"
*Vinny chuckles*
Vincenzo : "You see little lady, Jane's got a way about her that guys tend to like. Not to mention her face ain't too bad neither. That's not why we like her, for the record."
Wudin : "indeed, Ms. Shield is the medical attention I was referring to on the ship, truly one of a kind."
Ame : "Do you also believe that she can heal such ugly scars, Vinny?"
*She rubs her neck and looks at him*
Vincenzo : "It ain't really about can do, That dames the real deal. I once rushed 9 of our guys from a burning House unit and splashed them with sea water on a group operation in the old country. Weren't too bright but they were alive. Said they were usin a torch for a light, ended up knockin it over."
*takes out a cigar and lights it*
Vincenzo : "Foolish if you ask me. Tookem all back to Jane and after 30 minutes went by they were movin towards lunch with everyone else. Almost didn't notice them when they were thankin me for helping them out. Hard to believe these were the same mooks hangin by the almighty scythe earliers"
Ame : "She sounds incredible, Old man did you hear?! We're gonna be alright Ehehe~"
*Ame smiles ear to ear at this reassurance showing Her fangs proudly, patting Sho on the back*
Wudin : "Seems so. Take care Vincenzo I'll leave this vessel to you in the meantime"
Vincenzo : "Grazie, I'll be sure to do what was asked of me. Couldn't wait to crack this baby open. Get well soon Sho"
*They shake hands*
*Ame happily waves at Vinny as they proceed forward*
Vincenzo : (Nice girl. I wonders If she'll give us a hand with our little operation here.... Eh, Only time will tell if she ends up useful...or dead.)
*Vinny waves back at Ame*
Vincenzo : (Those piranha - like teeth and pale skin are certainly a question. They don't hire whores like that at any joint I remembers. Maybe the place she belongs to marked the broads neck like a return to sender stamp? Eh. I know better than to ask too many of those anyway, startin to sound like a stoolie. Long as there's no funny business)
*Looks at the half a cannonball sized hole he shot in the ship*
Vincenzo : (I can focus on what's really important)
*He smiles and chuckles as he approaches the ship*
Ame and Wudin proceed upstairs, even making it to what looks like a Main hall, They hear noises as they continue through the corridor, until eventually they walk past the cafeteria and someone sees them.

"Commander you're back! Also short one next to you! Come, I had food ready for return!"

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