-Episode 2 : "The disappearing act, Demon and slayer meet again?"-

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Later, with the HQ out of sight, Ame shares her thoughts about their escape as the ship slows down.
*To the ship sailing on open water*
Ame : "WOAH, that was absolutely amazing! Did you see when that guy pulled his arm back and then *Fwoosh* it was like *zip* and then it hit the ship like *boom* And then I was like "oh shit" and I jumped and-"
*she acts it out with expressions full of excitement*
Wudin : "Right Right and what happened next?"
*With a look of sarcasm focusing on steering*
Ame : "That was the best part! You should've been the- wait weren't you there old man?"
*Her look of readiness to tell turns to a puzzled expression looking at Wudin*
Wudin :(Is this a lapse in memory due to her earlier transformation?...or is she just a little off..)
*He inquires silently with his hand to his chin and switches to his POV looking at Ame also confused*
Wudin : "Nevermind what happened. I'm taking you back to HQ. We must seek medical attention."
Ame : "Medical attention?" *Looks at herself* "WHAAA IM ALMOST NAKED?!" "You nasty old man who didn't say anything, can't this go any faster?!" *she covers herself and stares at wudin upset*
"Woah. Nice burn. What was the dragons name? They gave you one hell of a kiss!" *she points and laughs at his charred neck and shoulder*
Wudin : "You're one to talk, look at your own neck."
Ame : "Eh-?" *She looks at her reflection in the shiny broadside of the ships control panel, seeing a strange mark present on her neck*
Ame : "Ok...this is getting really weird, where did I....get this?"
*She jumps back scared*
Wudin : "Is there a problem??"
Ame : "M-M-M....MY HAIR?!, This style AGAIN??? This has to be a sick joke. It took me 9 hours to do it how it was, OH MY- IS IT SHORTER NOW TOO??? A nightmare. This is a nightmare." *She strokes her pigtails in disbelief*
[[**Closest drawn placeholder**]]

Wudin : (Well there's no doubting she's. A girl.)
Wudin : "I believe now is the best time." *cuts eyes at Ame*
"State your name, Dragon"
Ame : "Huh?...Is this another terrible surface joke? That burn wasn't my fault, I suppose I can piss lightning too in that case"
Wudin : "I don't blame you for anything"*zoomed on his mouth* *Slows down the boat to a Halt*
*Ame makes a small sound as she gives him her undivided attention*
Wudin : "You see it was my choice and my choice alone to save you. I fully intended on taking you with me for matters I'll explain at our destination. However, In order to bring you where I'm going to bring you. And for them to accept you in good faith. I'd have to at least be able to formally introduce you. So, Best place to start is your name"
Ame : "OK whatever you want just as long as you start the ship.....NOW." *With a distressed pleading look on her face*
*Wudin presses the start button and puts the boat in cruise control set to a specific route*
*Wudin sho sits cross legged on the deck and invites ame to sit in front of him*
Wudin : "I'm getting a little too old for all this standing, please. You must be tired as well. Sit"
Ame : "Ok sure" *sits* "As for what you asked earlier, I am Ame Unal, Thank you for your help! I'm sorry you were injured...We'll fix you right up. What's your name old man savior?" *Ame smiles with her eyes closed and offers a handshake to wudin*
Wudin : (The Red knife. A daughter?...So it was true. But not in the way I thought it would be...is that a good thing?..) "Wudin Sho, pleasure to make your acquaintance Ame - San"
*Ame hears his name and it sends her into deep thought*
Ame : "That name rings a bell?...why does this greeting feel so strange? Like we've already met?"
*Wudin widens his eyes, surprised by her sudden revelation*
Wudin : "No. I think you're mistaken. I've never seen you before."
*Ame continues shaking his hand puzzled at his words*
Wudin : "You may unlatch my hand now, Ame - San"
Ame :"OH UH. Yeah, no problem Ehehe.."
*She lets him go and steps back feeling awkward*
Wudin : "Don't worry. I simply would like to avoid another visit from the Dragon lying dormant, this burn is pretty uncomfortable."
Ame : "You can grow your skin back right? Is there a way we can get this done?"
*Wudin let's out a boisterous chuckle*
Wudin : "is there? Of course there is. Which is why we're headed to HQ, a truly one of a kind medic awaits there. Though I'm not sure the same is possible in your case"
Ame : "Thats cool heheh, This mark ain't nothin. Hey maybe there's also clothes there???"
Wudin : "Well yes, but also in your ca-"
*She interjects and quickly jumps up in exhilaration at the news*
Ame : "THEN FULL SPEED AHEAD GRAMPS" *Points forward across the rocking sea*
*Wudin uses his melted sword to guide her pointer in a more Eastern direction*
Wudin : "I'd say Here. But" *He gets up slowly* "You're right, let's not drag this out while I'm injured and you continue waltzing around exposed."
*Ames expression sinks and she steps down from the front, then curls up on the deck*
Ame : "Curse you and your many wrinkles...hmph" *she looks away gripping the rail by the control board*
Wudin : "Once again. I need you to hold on tight, really tight. We're gonna speed up this little trip"
Wudin presses the ships recharged supersonic accelerator and they proceed to the specified destination with haste.

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