Episode 5 : "Fears of the supernatural, an angelic healer; Dr. Jane Shield"

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Sho and Ame have finished their food and are ready to continue towards the clinic so they give their regards to the chef

Wudin : "Well enjoyed Talia, Thank you always."
Talia : "Yes commander. Do have swift recovery" *They salute each other*
Wudin : "Ame - San, it's time we continue our journey"
Ame : "Oh! Yeah definitely!"
*She looks at Talia*
Ame : "Thank you so much for the food. It was the best meal I've ever had" *She smiles*
Talia : "Anytime милашка(cutie), do come back if you hunger once more~"
Wudin : "I trust I'll be seeing you later on Ms. Kuznetsova"
Talia : "Da. I have everything ready  Commander. I will show when it is time."
Wudin : "Very good. Let's go Ame - San"
Ame : "I'll race ya...in dire need of those clothes, See you later Talia!"
*She waves with her Toothy grin*
Talia : "Ehehe~ Bye bye now you two"
*She waves with her fingers as they walk away*
*She then goes back into the Kitchen and begins one more dish*
Talia : (Sanguine blossoms, extra bloody. I've never heard that kind of order before. Not to mention those Serrated teeth like shark knife, I was sure she'd chomp that metal fork to pieces. I lost track of her a couple of times in the kitchen, like she'd blend into the walls. What peculiar girl, I can't help but think where she could be from? Perhaps the mark on her neck is indication of origin, or just tattoo? Maybe both of them were actually hurt by those evil shield-men and lied to calm me.)
*She finishes cooking the dish*
Talia : (How sweet..No matter. If she's with commander then all should be under control. Ame is name yes? Cute as button and her smile shines like star. Almost like when I first met you my dearest friend) *looks down fondly at the dish she's made*

Ame and Wudin proceed down their original path, now more populated with the soldiers who were eating before and others coming in from training or the clinic.  They all salute and wave as wudin walks by, confusion written on their faces watching their commander next to a half naked woman with pale skin as if it were normal. Ame's stomach starts growling.

Ame : "Old man....Help..."
Wudin : "Is there a problem Ame - San?"
Ame : "HUGE PROBLEM. I'm still so hungryyy....." *Holding her stomach*
*Wudin laughs*
Wudin : "Stay strong soldier, we're almost at the finish line. Then you can speak with Talia once more"
*Ame drools thinking about the noodles she had earlier*
Ame : "I should've stolen your plate when I had the chance.."
Wudin : "Aiya This burn is still raging on...Happened hours ago yet it still feels fresh.."
*Ame snaps out of her daze and feels bad*
Ame : "Ugh...You're working me at this point, such a baby"
*Wudin smiles*

They both make it to the clinics door as the soldiers crowding the halls move out of the way for those coming out of the clinic. They high five the now healed soldiers, some walking with them chatting away about how much better they feel.
Wudin has something he wants Ame to know before She meets Jane.

Wudin : "One moment Ame - San. This way"
*signals her over to a nearby empty corner*
Ame : "Hm? Oh ok" *she walks with him to the corner*
Ame : "What's going on? You gonna die on me after all this time? Very selfish old man, in front of all these nice people that like you."
Wudin : "Eheh. Not just yet. I have something you should know. Maybe I should've told you this earlier."
*He whispers*
Wudin : "Your last name. Means a lot more than you think it does. Especially around here."
*Ame stands confused*
Ame : "My.....last name? Unal?"
*The remaining soldiers go quiet and look around*
Soldier 1 : "You guys hear that??"
Soldier 2 : "Unless im going crazy. I definitely heard that"
Soldier 3 : "Yeah. Someone must be talking about The commanders greatest accomplishment"
Soldier 1 : "I wanna hear the story again too! Where's it coming from?"
Wudin : "You understand now?? Lower your voice, I was whispering for a reason"
*Ame whispers*
Ame : "What the hell is going on? They got so excited about my name??"
Wudin : "I cannot tell you right now. However, what I can say is I don't want you to be alarmed at this moment. Come closer"
*Ame gives her ear to Wudin as he whispers quieter*
Wudin : "I know that you are a Demonborne"
*Ame stands in shock, her eyes widened with a look of puzzling panic on her face*
*Wudin offers her a handshake and looks her in the eye*
Wudin : "You are different. I've seen that through my observation. But they can't know. Not yet."
Ame : "Really?. I started this whole thing in Chains. Those two jerks and that one Big jerk staring at me like I was a plague... I couldn't hold myself back and ended up burning you pretty badly..You have every right to think I'm dangerous."
*He places his other hand on her left shoulder*
Wudin : "Demons have the freedom to live as they please just as much as anyone else, be it righteous, neutral, or evil. You're a person and thus shouldn't be judged on what you do today, but what you do overtime. That is what I believe."
*Ame looks at him with a glint in her eye making a small sound, later turning into a smile with light tears*
*She shakes his hand*
Ame : "Dammit Old man why'd you have to go and say such nonsense...."
*She says laughing/crying*
*Wudin scratches the back of his head feeling awkward*
Wudin : "Wh-What did I say?..."
*The soldiers notice Ame wiping away tears*
Soldier 6 : "Woah, Commander break up with his girlfriend or something?"
Soldier 7 : "A cutie like that and he settles it with a handshake? Just how tough can he get?"
Soldier 8 : "He is the Slayer of the Red knife after all. I knew that level of grit existed in all facets of his life"
Soldier 6 : "Hey, you guys notice something off about that girl?.."
Wudin : "Ame-San we're drawing....attention. We should go ahead in now, just remember what I said about your name"
*Ame sniffles*
Ame : "Right! Got it!"
*She makes a zip lip motion and gives him a thumbs up*
*Wudin nods his head*
Wudin : "Let's go say Hello to Jane"

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