(Epilogue) Warrior, leader, and friend

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    3 months later...

T : "Not just yet Capitan"
A : "Ehhh? B-but I already said the thing..."
T : "Don't you have someone to go speak to before we leave?"
V : "Oh yeah. I should uhh come with, I still owe him that drink"
J : "You may as well lay right next to him due to alcohol poisoning, how many times have you gone there with liquor?"
V : "Ah come on, ain't no limit on that"
A : "Everybody is right. Before we go anywhere. We've gotta go see him"

They all descend from the ship and walk the docks of The old Many Faces HQ. Going through the halls they pass Vinny's old station

V : "Hang on. I forgot something, I'll meet you all there soon"
A : "Whaaaat? You'd better hurry we need to all be there"
V : "Relaaax no worries just gonna pop on ova here and pick something up, I'll be right behind you"
T : "We do not have all day, so try not to take your time"
V : "Blah blah blah get moving then"
T : "Grr, You are in luck we are on same team..."
*The 3 girls continue walking*

This time they pass by Talia's old station, the mess hall

T : "Hmm...H-Hey I uhh...I'll be right back one more thing you can move on"
*Talia quickly grapples into the kitchen*
A : "Huh?? You too? What's wrong with you guys you knew we were gonna leave today"
J : "Punctuality isn't either of their strong suits, in ways like that they're alike and still can't get along"
A : "Ugh, whatevs. Just spill it."
J : "Spill what?..."
A : "You wanna go to the clinic don't you?"
J : "Well....I uh...if we're going to go see him this could be the last time."
A : "Go on ahead Jane, I'll meet everyone at the door ok?"
*Jane happily nods and trots her way to the clinic*
*Ame continues walking alone*

A : (How can 3 months feel so long and short at the same time..)
(At least I can say this place hasn't changed a bit)

  *Ame finally makes it to her destination, Wudins Command room*

A : "I still get chills from over that side...like this thing is still in here" *She flips up her cloak and stares at the sheathed knife as it Hums quietly*

A : "hmm...maybe I can just take a little peek before they get here"
*She walks in and continues past the podiums of trophies, pictures, a collection of Wudin and the Many Faces many adventures all catalogued here*
A : "Lot of great things you have here Old man..Too bad it's got such a lame centerpiece hehe"

*A Memorial statue of Wudin sits among many regional flowers*

A : *sigh* "You really suck man...Just up and dying on me like this."
*She touches the mark on her neck in rememberence*
A : "Hey....Im...really sorry for what happened. I know you said it was fine. You knew it would come, but who cares...It wasn't about winning anymore after this happened..it's still not now"
T : "That is right."
*Talia walks in with a plate of Wudins favorite food and an eyepatch*
T : "This is about nothing but pain."
*She sets the plate down and the eyepatch*
T : "I was free when you gave me this Commander. For once someone told me what happened to my platoon wasn't my fault, and I believed them...it's because of you I don't have to be scared of being with people anymore..I can shoot straight, without it now."
*sniffling behind them both*
*They look behind them*
*Jane is holding back tears best she can as she walks in*
J : "I - I...just wanted to...check up on everyone...see if you all made it."
A : "We're short one but, I already messed up and walked in. Couldn't help it"
J : "I see...Well. No use just sitting here crying about it"
*She perks up and walks toward the statue*
J : "So I...I brought this. You remember it? It's the baby dragon tooth I had to pull from your hand"
T : "Ooooo I remember that! That was a huge bite, Commander nearly lost his hand"
J : "And his mind, a martial artist with one hand, he almost had a heart attack at the thought. I told him I can only treat one thing at a time..."
*Jane looks closer and notices the holes from when she healed his neck present on the statue*
J : "They...They put that on there?..."
*She falls to her knees by Ame in distress*
A : "Jane?..."
J : "Why...I'd helped him so many times...but I couldn't save him this time...I feel so useless..."
*Talia goes to comfort her*
V : "What a couple of saps, you hearing this soft stuff Boss? That's what happens when you stick me with the cheerleader squad."
A : "Oh whatever, you're super late anyway"
T : "Not that you have any respect to pay, but do it faster."
V : "Alright Alright, so testy you two. The Boss was a true entertainer, you're bumming him out right now for sure with all those sad faces. Especially you Jane, can't stand to see a pretty broad cry."
J : "I...I'm sorry...*sniff*"
V : "Jeez..."
*Lastly Vincenzo walks toward the statue*
V : "Damn I hate those sick bastards...I had a lot I wanted to say to ya. I just..can't get the words together this close to reality.."
V : "Alls I want to say now. Regardless of what the team looks like, I can always count on you to put me with the best of the best. So we're gonna be the best, but not for you buddy. We're gonna do it because of who you were to each and every one of us. This tiny Captain you picked though...We gonna have a lot to talk about next time I see ya, keep a seat warm and the drinks cold Boss.."
*He puts his Fedora on the statue and walks away*
V : "I'm gonna head back and get the ship ready...You uh...You dames take all the time ya need."
*He leaves the room*
A : "You guys should go too."
T : "Are you sure?"
J : *sniff* "You're right, so is Vinny, I'm a total mess...I can't let him see me like this anymore...I'll be off. Captain, please don't be sad..."
A : "Sad? Hehe, no. I'll be ok" *smiles*
J : "Smiling even at a time like this, you really are in control. I'm sure we all feel safe knowing how tough you are, even Tali"
T : "Pssh. I could beat her if I wanted to, she is just too cute to punch~"
*She flicks Ame's hair as she gets up*
T : "I'll catch up with you in one moment ok? Gonna stay with Capitan for little longer. You should go wipe your face, you heard the Suit wearer, Commander would be beside himself if he saw you like this."
*Sniff, wipe. She nods her head and proceeds out the door*

T : "Ame..."
A : "Hm?.."
T : "Are you...actually ok?"
A : "Of course I...I've been ok.."
T : "Ame, please. This is the last time you may see him, you should leave things honestly"
A : "Talia...I can't..I can't let that happen. You all trust me, He trusted me to be strong and serious about my quest. To keep everyone safe...I...Just.."
*Her lip starts to quiver*
A : "Dammit...."
A : "I just didn't think I would have to give him up this early...I've never met a human like him other than my own mother...no one ever thinks about us like he did...like she would...everyone's always scared first."
*Zooms to the statue*
A : "He saved me. Ignoring what the cost could be. He's truly the strongest I've ever seen...For that, I can't let this stop me. Stop any of us from what we want"
*She puts on Her hat*
T : "You ready to go now?"
A : "Hmm...one more thing, Jane still has that camera right?"
T : "Ah yes, I have it here. She felt like she wouldn't be strong enough to take any pictures. It would be too real on film.."
A : "Ok. I know what I want to leave."

V : "We've got about 90 miles in the salt till we make it to Slag island"
J : "This model can support that but the coordinates look kinda rough....hmmm....i don't really get it but it doesn't seem right either...I should've asked Tali before I left"
V : "Ehhh, it'll be fine, where are those two? Not done yet?"
J : "I'm not sure if Captain left anything yet, I really hope she's ok...."
A : "Doing just fine!"
*Jane screeches at Ame suddenly appearing*
A : "Woaaah what kinda sound was that? hehehe. We ready to go right?"
J : "For a second you just look like a regular demon when you do that! Of course I'd be scared"
A : "A regular demon huh..."
*She looks to the side clutching her MF choker*
J : "AH I MEAN, yes! Yes we are all ready to go! Just gotta make sure those coordinates are right, was Tali with you? Where is she?"
*Ame points at Vinny and Talia on the ship*
T : "NET, it is Starboard, STARBOARD, why do you have this steering wheel so far to port??! You are going to drive us into a whirlpool!"
V : "Listen lady you may have been appointed navigator and all but that don't mean you know everything. I say we go to slag first, I know how to get to the next place after that"
T : "Makes sense the first place you'd want to go is somewhere as filthy as Slag island"
V : "Who says we can't make a little detour? We're pirates now, ain't we supposed to go where we want?"
T : "We have a mission Vincenzo, just turn the damn wheel to port already!..........I MEAN STARBOARD"
V : "Make up your mind Willya?"
*Talia facepalms*

J : "Seems like they're working it out"
A : "Hehe yeah, I can already tell this is gonna be fun! Cmon let's go Jane~"
*Ame holds her hand out for Jane*
J : "Captain, I wasn't expecting this.."
A : "You looked really torn up earlier, I just want you to know I have your back. Just grab my hand"
J : "*She blushes* O-Ok!~"
*They walk up the ships stairs and get into their positions*

A : "Alright guys, is it really time now?!"
*They all look at eachother from where they are stationed and nod*
Everyone : "TO ISLAND 0"

*Back to the statue as they sail away*

*Its revealed that Ame's offering was a picture of Wudins statue with her hat on as she straddles its neck giving Wudin a hug*

Ame : "I wonder if he'll like that...I totally owe him 1000 more...but it'll have to do for now. See you later Wudin..."

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