Chapter 1

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It was a Wednesday evening

Grace just finished filming a video with Chester. They criticised celebrities's fashion choices. So basically what they do everytime they decide to make a video together. Grace was editing their video when Chester gave an impatient sigh. "I'm about to raid your kitchen, so I guess I should ask if you want anything from your kitchen?", he said sarcastically. "Screw you!", Grace replied, in a mocking tone. "I just got groceries this morning. But I guess you could get me some nachos. Maybe crack open a bottle of wine so I can numb the pain of you raiding my cupboards, again!" Chester gave a sly grin as he creeped to the kitchen, with Goose at his heels, also expecting food.

Grace chuckled to herself, thinking about little moments like that, usually with Mamrie and Hannah. But Mamrie was super busy with meetings for her book and Hannah was flying back from New York tonight. "I can't wait to get drunk with those asshats when they're free", Grace thought to herself. She almost cracked a smile when suddenly her world seemed to literally spin all around her. It was then she started to feel a massive weight in her chest. A weight heavy enough to bring a plane down.

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