Chapter 8

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A month and a half has passed since the crash

And Grace and Mamrie long for Hannah to wake up. They visit her everyday, whether it's together or separately. When they both go, they crack a few jokes and puns and tell Hannah funny stories regardless if she can hear them or not.

When only one can visit, they often sit by her bedside for hours at a time, holding her hand, willing her to wake up, and telling her what's happening in the world and how much they miss her.

The YouTube community is also in turmoil. Many have showed their support, from the Hartosexuals to the likes of Tyler Oakley and Shane Dawson. Everyone is missing Hannah Hart.

One day, Grace and Mamrie are talking about the time about the time they did the first Drunk Pumpkin and how much fun it was and how drunk they got (they got hella drunk!), when they hear a groggy voice.

"Who ate paint?"

The two turn to the bed where they find Hannah with her eyes wide open, staring at them cautiously. Grace and Mamrie are overjoyed and Mamrie runs out of the room to fetch a nurse, leaving Grace alone with Hannah.

"I'm so glad you're finally awake."

"I feel like I know you guys, I just can't put my finger on it."

"You do, trust me. The doctor said you'd have trouble with remembering things. I'm Grace and the person that ran out of the room screeching and clicking her heels was Mamrie. We're your best friends."

Hannah takes a moment to stare into Grace's eyes, trying to make sense of what she has been told.

"Okay. And I do a cooking show on YouTube?"

"It's called My Drunk Kitchen. Every week you get shitfaced drunk while trying to make food."

This makes Hannah laugh.

"You make it sound like a bad thing when you put it that way."

Hannah is still smiling when Mamrie comes back with the doctor, who is surprised by this.

"You seem awfully perky for someone who narrowly escaped death."

Hannah's grin doesn't falter when she says this.

Grace and Mamrie are asked to leave the room while Hannah is tested.

"How was she Grace?"

"I mean, she was pretty damn confused about her situation and she didn't know who we were, but she remembered MDK."

"That fucker! She remembered her show over her best goddamn friends?! I'm gonna have words with Harto about that later." Mamrie grumbled, clearly joking.

The doctor came out of the room and told the girls how she was doing.

"Well, it seems her memory wasn't as badly damaged as we thought, which is one less thing for us to worry about, but she's still pretty beat up. We'll have to keep her in for at least another three weeks. She seems optimistic about her recovery which is always a nice thing to see from a patient."

Mamrie quietly laughs.

" That's Hannah for ya: Reckless Optimism."

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