Chapter 12

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Mamrie and Grace burst into the spare bedroom

They find Hannah on the bed, blood everywhere. Grace knows what she's doing, she's all too familiar with the practice.

Hannah looks up, tears staining her face, with a look of desperation in her eyes.

"I...............I can't do this anymore. I can't live like this. All those people......... and the fire......... and screaming.............why did I have to be one of the lucky bastards?! I wished I burned with them, then I wouldn't feel like this!!!"

Grace and Mamrie are shocked by Hannah's remarks. All this time she'd been keeping all this in. But now, she had reached her threshold.

Mamrie steps up.

"Hannah, Hannah, calm down, you can get through this okay?"

"You don't know how I feel!"

Mamrie cowers at the tone of Hannah's voice, one she's never heard before.

Grace starts to approach her cautiously.

"Han, I know."

Hannah stops, looking at Grace with her piercing blue eyes.

Grace continues.

"I've felt that way before. I've felt so low and worthless that I've cut too, see?"

Grace rolls up her sleeve, revealing scars and surprising both Hannah and Mamrie.

"There's no point doing what you're doing because it'll just make things worse. Fate is the reason you're still here. Sure, you've seen some awful things, but God decided to keep you here because he thinks there's still so much more you can do to make the world a better place. And if you don't believe that, me and Mames don't want you to go. It would destroy us and life wouldn't be the same without you. We love you Hannah. Stay with us, Please."

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