Chapter 13

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The silence is deafening

The three girls stand in the room, not sure what to do after Grace's speech.

Hannah looks back down at the damage she's inflicted on herself. She picks up the razor, throws it across the room and bursts into tears.

There is a collective sigh of relief between Mamrie and Grace. They go to help Hannah up and clean her wounds in the bathroom.

Later, Hannah is wrapped up in a blanket with some hot chocolate watching a movie with the other two.

They made her realise that she was meant to live, and she's now grateful for it. Grateful for them.

Eventually, she dozes off, cocooned in her blanket. Grace and Mamrie carry her to bed, tucking her in. The two look at each and think "Fuck it" as they climb into the bed as well, keeping Hannah company and reminding her while it'll take a long time to recover from both the physical and emotional trauma, they're there for her and they care.

In her sleep, Hannah gives a faint smile, knowing she's safe with her friends.

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