Chapter 5

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The car ride to the hospital is quiet, for the most part

It is occasionally interrupted by Grace's stifling sobbing and Mamrie's heavy breathing. They have the news on on the radio just in case there are updates on the plane crash.

The two girls can't get their heads around what has happened. Hannah. Hannah Hart. She was on that flight and nearly everyone on it was killed. Grace finally speaks up.

"Do you think she's alive, Mames?"

Mamrie really doesn't know what to say.

"I hope so but honestly? It isn't looking too good at the moment."

"Can't help but hope, right?"

"That's the kind of thing Hannah would be preaching if she were here. Reckless Optimism."

The two words set Mamrie off and she tries to focus on the road as tears blur her vision.

When they arrive at the hospital, it is in chaos. People screaming and crying and so much blood. It's clear to see that the nurses and doctors are overwhelmed but they do the best they can to cope. Mamrie and Grace go up to the receptionist. Grace is sobbing quietly as they hope their friend is alive.

"Hey, er...... we're here fo-..."

"I know I know the plane crash! Sorry, it's been bedlam here. Who are you looking for dear?"

"Er................. sorry sorry, Hannah Hart."

The receptionist checks her computer. She gasps, setting everyone on edge, but then her face turns into a relieved expression.

"You're the lucky few whose loved one survived. Only just though. She was taken straight to the operating theatre when she came in. She was critical. I'll just say it's gonna be hit or miss whether she makes it or not, but I'm glad I can give you the good news that she is still alive."

The feeling consumes the two.

"Thank you.", Grace whispers as she looks at the receptionist with her sincere brown eyes.

The two somehow find somewhere to sit. anticipating their friend's survival or death. Regardless, they hold each other, holding onto the hope that their friend will make it.

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