Chapter 9

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The next few weeks go by in a blur

And while Hannah is still recovering and trying to remember certain things, Grace and Mamrie agree that it's great to have their friend back again. Hannah has her good days and bad days. Her good days, she's usual perky self, smiling away and laughing at bad jokes/puns.

But when she has a bad day, she has a bad day.

The doctor said that these mood swings would stop over time, but it is some cause for concern for the two girls. Regardless, they still love her for her.

The day of her release was a great day. There was hope, if not a bit of anxiety in Hannah's eyes as she was about to leave hospital after nearly two months.

She is going to stay with Grace until she has fully recovered. The doctor suggested this as she wasn't confident letting her live alone in her current state. She is staying with Grace as she's known her longer than Mamrie and therefore feel more comfortable about her living arrangements

After putting her stuff in her car, Grace goes to look for Hannah so they can go home. She finds Hannah staring out of a window: she does that when she feels overwhelmed.

"Hey, I packed your stuff, you ready to go?"

"Erm, yeah......I...........uh......."

"You okay Hannah?"

Hannah turns to look at Grace.

"I feel really anxious about this. Like scared, but I don't know why and it's frustrating. I don't feel like me."

Her head goes down in shame.

Grace is taken aback by Hannah's fear of not being stable. She goes to place her hand on Hannah's shoulder, but shrugs it off, which is unlike her, but Grace reassures her.

"You're gonna be fine. You're staying with me, I'll look after you and if you have a bad day, I'll be there for you. You don't need to be worried about anything, Hannah. You have me and Mamrie and so many other good friends and we'll all look out for you. It's scary, but you can't let fear get the better of you. So let's get you home and in a decent bed with edible food because the food here could be used as a melee weapon it's so tough!"

Hannah smiles sheepishly, slightly more convinced, but still nervous. She follows Grace to her car and they leave the hospital.

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