Chapter 7

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They simply can't believe that this is their friend

It looks like her, but it can't be her, but it is. The two approach the bed, and are taken aback by the damage. There's A LOT of cuts and bruises, particularly a long gash down the side of her face, complimented by burns received from the airplane fire. A broken arm and a sprained neck, the image is too much for Mamrie to behold, who bursts into tears at the sight of her small, broken friend, and leaves. Grace, however, lingers. She feels numb as she gazes at Hannah, hoping to see her bright blue eyes and her beautiful smile. The person she sees in front of her, however, has yet to do anything of those things. Grace then leaves the room to comfort Mamrie as she comes to terms with the reality of it all. They hug each other as they think of Hannah once more. And how scared she must of been when the plane fell from the sky.

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