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Seventeen ended the concert and they all ran to Hana.

"What did you mean something is wrong with the baby?!" Jeonghan asked

"Is Sunhee pregnant?" Joshua asked

"Guys we don't have time for that, let's go to the hospital"

Meanwhile Dk entered the hospital, running  towards her room. Gyuri text him the room number.

"How is she?" He asked but the answer was a punch from Geonwoo

"You fucking idiot. She called you! She was bleeding and full of pain and you weren't there"

Dk stood on the ground looking down, feeling guilty.

"You're gonna be a dad! Do you think Scoups and Jeonghan didn't make sure the girls can contacte them anytime. But Sunhee didn't, she didn't call the others because no one knows about pea"

"Sorry" Dk got up an bow to them " I'm so sorry" they could hear him sobbing "but please tell me they're both fine"

"They're still in surgery" Gyuri said hugging him "don't mind Geonwoo, he's just worried about her and pea"

"I'm so sorry" he continue crying

The operation room open up and the doctor came to talk to them while Sunhee was going to the room.

"The operation went well, the mom and the baby are fine. She should wake up in a couple hours" the three of them sighed of relief knowing they both were ok "until birth she should rest, maybe take sometime from work"

While they were in her room waiting for her to wake up. Scoups appeared there.

"Hey, how's shes doing?"

"Everything went well. Sorry for running out"

"Don't worry, carats are downstairs. They saw us coming in. How's the baby?"

"Pea is ok, sorry for not telling you"

"How long is she?"

"Almost 12 weeks. We were waiting for telling you and-"

"Dk we understand... no ones angry at you. Areum already bought plushies for ..." he looked at him


"Pea" Scoups laughed "we're going home. The moment she wakes up tell us"

Geonwoo and Gyuri left for a bit to eat something while Dk stayed with her.

"Hmm" Sunhee frowned as she opens her eyes "dokyeom?"

"Hey baby, I'm here" he held her hand "sorry for -"

"Is pea ok?"

"You're both ok" he kissed her forehead "I don't know what I would do if something happened to you"

"We're fine, just a little scare" she smiled " when can I go home?"

"I don't know, I can go ask-"

"NO! Stay here, can you lay down with me?" He laid down wrapping an arm around her and the other around her belly

Family ♥️

Gyuri sent me a tex
Sunhee is awake
She's sleeping with Dk
They're resting

I can't believe this happened
She must've been so scared

I can't imagine how she must felt

They're fine and
We're getting another baby to the family 💕


When she's coming home?

Gyuri doesn't know

Me and Minghao are going there
We can't all go

"So why does my boyfriend has his lip cut?" Sunhee looked side eye Geonwoo

"He deserve it"

"I deserve it"

"He did it" They all answer at the same time making Sunhee laugh

"I wanna go home"

"I'm gonna stay with you, until we have our home. Which should be sooner because I called her telling it was urgent"

"Dokyeom what we're gonna do? Your fans will notice this and you leaving the stage"

"I'll handle it, your job is to look pretty and rest with pea" he said kissing her belly "I can't believe you have a baby in here... my mom is coming. She was in the concert, I had to tell her "

"Is she mad?"

"She's already thinking of names. Everything is ok baby"

Dk left to go home and bring something's for her when Joshua and Minghao entered the room.

"So you have been cooking something in the oven" Joshua said

"But you're the one with the dad jokes. Hey boys"

"How you're feeling?" Minghao asked "we brought you chocolate but we don't know if you can actually eat it"

"I'm fine, and I don't know either. But Dk can ask the doctor. Sorry for ruin the concert"

"Don't, If it was up to us we would all leave but manager told us to end to end the concert first"

"Is he mad about me being pregnant?"

"It's not ideal" Minghao said "but we'll find a way. Although I think it's best if we don't hide it"

"You want me to tell them the truth?" Sunhee didn't know if it was the best idea

"Baby we'll do what you want to" Dk appeared and assured her that she was in control "the only thing is for you to rest"

"So we'll go" Joshua hugged Dk and left

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