Chapter 14

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Spike saw in horror what D'Hoffryn did to the Scoobies! They were literally slaves doing the D'Hoffryn's will! Even Angel and Giles were at D'Hoffryn's mercy!

"Such a sad sight!" Buffy tsked as Spike turned around.

"Buffy? You came back?" Spike said happy to see her.

"Not for you?" Buffy told him.

"Do you believe what D'Hoffryn has done to the Scoobies?"

"Yeah, ain't it a glorious sight?" Buffy smirked.

"Buffy, what's got into you?" Spike asked.

"Nothing." Buffy said. "It's good seeing those do-gooders get their just desserts."

"Those are your friends."

"Friends?" Buffy scoffed. "After what they did, how could I call them friends?"

"Goodbye, Spike!" Buffy said upon leaving. "I've got things to do."

And Buffy left Spike alone to figure out a way to help the Scoobies, Angel and Giles out of their predicament.

Spike really hoped Willow could come up with a spell to restore Sunnydale back to its former glory days!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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