for him

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I changed for him.
When I look in the mirror i dont see myself.
I see a stranger
Why did I change?
Change used to scare me.
Change was terrifying
So why did I change?
I wish that I can go back to the past
Or do i
Im happy am I not
Im in love
But im not myself
Im scared
Im scared right?
Why do I feel numb?
I dont feel anything anymore
He made sure of that
He made sure that I did not feel anything
Nothing at all
The only thing I can feel is my love for him
So why am I feeling scared
I want them back
I want back my life from before
But will he let me?
I hope he will
He will not
Hes commanding and commanding
He commands everything from me
He wants me
But I do not want him not anymore
Not after what he did.
Not after he made me change for him
He made me Insecure
He made me hate myself
He made me leave my girls behind
I want him gone
And I will make sure of that.

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