you play with me.

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Isn't it funny?
You play with me.
And I know it.
Yet I let you do it.
I know it'll happen again
And again
And it'll only hurt the same
Every single time
I think I'm used to it
But you put me back together just to break me
I know it was only once
But it was also way before that.
It's frustrating
And I hate it
You fix me only to break me
I hate it.
I want it to stop
But why do you keep on doing it
Why can't you just stop
Why can't these fucking feelings just stop
I don't want to accept it
I don't want too.
I hate it but I know I'll always let it happen.
Even when it's making me break down.
Making hate myself within
I want to move on
But you won't let me
And I hate you for it
However I could never hate you.
So in the end I can only hate myself.

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