i hate it.

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I hate it.

I hate how he makes me feel.

I hate how he makes me happy.

I hate how he makes me excited

I hate how he makes me feel so incredibly stupid

I hate how much I want him yet I know I can't have him.

I hate it I hate it I hate it.

I want to let go

But each and every time I try and try he pulls back and makes my heart happy

It's the little things

The things I believe are invisible

The things I know he is just being kind

I hate it I hate it so much

One moment we like eachother

The next nothing happened

Life moved on and so should I

But I hate how much my heart aches for him.

I want it to stop I want it to stop so badly

But I know deep down even if it's hurting me ill stay

Not just for him

For her, my best friend I love her so much

And I hate myself for feeling this shit

She deserves the world not me

As does he.

I am greedy

Once I get to much of the same thing I want it

More and more and more

But when it stops

I'll be there shocked and I will ignore it

I will ignore it

And I will ignore it

But when the times come it'll tear me apart

Because it is not only her and him it is their family.

Everyone is so amazing, they're not perfect

But they are them.

And I hate it because I know in the end I will not be able to leave them.

But I know they'll leave me in the end.

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