i loved him, didnt i?

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I loved him.
When I remember the memories.
I see him.
Him and I
Together once again
Id do anything for him.
But he wouldn't do anything for me.
So what was the point?
I tried and tried and tried.
Until I broke.
I finally couldnt take it anymore.
When he left that night.
I cried and cried
But he never came back
You'd think the man I loved was still there
But no that man had become a boy once again
But I still tried and tried, again and again.
Even when I was broken I was there
How can he not love me?
How can he treat me as if we never loved one another?
How can he do this?
He treats me like a liability
While I treat him as though he is a god
I treat him how I believed he deserved to be treated.
But now he is gone and I am alone.
And now I truly think about it.
I loved him, did I not?
Or did I love him from the past?

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