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Eventually everyone leaves
Over time I accepted it
To be honest
To this day I truly haven't
To this day
You are stuck in my head
Dying thoughts I wish would go away
So what if they're fading?
Going away slowly
And slowly,
You have to understand,

Do you understand?
Life is constant
Constantly moving
Going and going,
For one moment we're together
The next were not
You are my life
Yet I am not yours
It is funny how,
The only way you're mine is by my dreams,
Dreams I wish would become a reality ,
But you've moved on and so have I.
I truly have,
Eventually you'll be gone from my mind,
Everything does leave,
Like childhood memories,
Saturday mornings with family,
Yelling and shouting about,
Yet laughter and yells of happiness,
How I wish you were mine again,

Now I know we're too far apart,
As you want to move,
I want to stay,
I wish to live happy,
While you wish to reside in the office,
I want adventure,
You want to stay inside,
Life, it's funny how our lives are so different.
The only thing we had in common was our love,
Even that didn't hold in the end,
It died out like a candles flames in an constant battle,
However I suppose that's just how life is.

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