Chapter 7

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(Akito's pov)

"It makes me sick to see how Kyo and... That girl. They need to be separated from each other." I was getting furious at the two of them being together. "Why would someone without the Sohma curse, want to be with someone with it?" I started to get more and more frustrated. But how could I separate them? Then a thought came to me and I smile with an evil smile. Be ready Kyo your love will be gone.

(Kyo's pov)

"Tohru...Kyo, Yuki and I won't be here for a while, are you sure you'll be all right by yourself here?" Shigure asked. "Yes, I'll be just fine here." Tohru smiled. I couldn't help but worry for her safety. I hope she won't get herself into any harm. Here we go. Shigure, Yuki and I had to go see Akito. Before we left, I hugged Tohru, "Please, lock the doors and windows before you go to bed." I kissed her forehead and let go and she nodded her head and waved goodbye and we left.

(Tohru's pov)

Kyo, Shigure, and Yuki left and I walked inside. I started on my chores and did what I had to do. By the time I was finished, it was dark outside.

I went upstairs getting ready to take a bath. When I got into the bathroom I turn the knob to hot. As the water was running the steam rose as well. I walk to my room and got my towel and clothes. I then felt a sudden chill, and saw that my room window was opened. I'm having a bad feeling, like someone is here and watching me. I closed the window and locked it. When I turned around, I thought my soul left my body. "Hello, Tohru." Please tell me this is just a nightmare or am I seeing Akito! I couldn't move. I was so scared. 'Kyo, please come home now!'

(Kyo's pov)

"Damnit, where the hell is Akito!" I yelled. "You know he has a life too." Yuki said looking at me stupidly. "Shut up ya damn rat!" I wanted to say more but I was I was stopped by a sense of fear. Shigure and Yuki noticed too. I then thought, 'if Akito is not here and Tohru is home alone.' "Tohru!" I ran towards the house. "Damnit, I won't make it in time!" I was getting closer when I heard two other pairs of feet behind me. "Kyo, we're coming with you." Shigure said from behind me.

We finally made it to the house out of breath, Yuki sat down on the floor trying to calm himself. I ran upstairs to see water coming from the bathroom. I went in and turn off the water. I walked into Tohru room. "Ahh! Who are you!" my eyes widened and got full of tears. 'No, Tohru !'

Oh, well I decided to change up the story but you'll see, it'll get better sooner or later. Mkay, byeeeeee!

True feelings (a Kyo and Tohru story)Where stories live. Discover now