Chapter 3

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(Tohru's pov)

"Ughh, I'm so glad its Friday, but I don't wanna leave my bed." I heard fighting in the background. Kyo and Yuki were fighting again. " I hate mornings like these." I got up to get dressed. I grabbed my clothes and went to take a shower. When I finished I got my school uniform on. I walked downstairs. "Oh, morning miss Honda." I didn't say anything, I just kept walking. I then stopped and looked at Kyo and Yuki and said in the nicest way I possibly tried," Please, stop fighting in the the morning." I took a seat at the table by Shigure. "Would you like something to eat, Tohru?" Kyo asked as he put his hands on my shoulders. I looked up and smiled at Kyo's cute face. "" I thought about what I wanted to eat but I looked at the time. "Oh no, I'm going to be late!"  I ran to my room get my bag and I look at that picture of mom before I left. "Okay mom, I'm going to school, I love you." I kissed the picture of her and Kyo was at the door. "Are you ready?" I nodded my head and we walk to school.

At school.........

'Oh no!' I at my desk and was just about to cry. "Hey, what's wrong?" Kyo asked. I looked down and answered, " I forgot my math book at home." Kyo went to his bag and pulled out a math book. "No, I can't, you need it." I kept shaking my head and hands. " I noticed you forgot a book so I grabbed it." He explained. " Oh, t-thank you." I grabbed the book from his hand and smiled. "Awww, Kyo Kyo brought his girlfriend her book." One of the boys played. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME KYO KYO!!!" It's funny watching Kyo yelling. Wait, did they say...girlfriend?!?!.

(Kyo's pov)

"I told you a thousand times, stop calling me Kyo Kyo!" I happened to look over my shoulder to see Tohru turn bright red. "Tohru, are you okay?" I walked over to her towards her. "Who? Me? I'm fine, really." she responded. I left the room with and 'okay'.

I walked out of the room and roamed the halls and saw..."A-Akito?" He turned and looked at me. "Hello, Kyo" He smiled. "What are you doing here?!" He looked at me and answered, "I've been hearing about you and that girl Tohru, you know, getting pretty close."  I gasped, ' I thought he wouldn't care because i'm a cat and the Sohma's didn't like cats.' Akitio looked at me and started walking towards me and every step he took towards me I took back as steps back. I walked back into a wall and Akito blocked me in with one hand by my head and the other hand on my neck. I soon couldn't breath. Akito stopped after he hurt the sound of a voice from behind, "Akito?!" It was Yuki. Akito let go and I fell to the ground and gasping for air.

Akito walked inside the building but we didn't follow behind. "Kyo are you ok?" Yuki asked and he extended a hand and as I took his hand I could fell him shaking. He then looked at my neck, "Kyo, he left a mark on your neck!" I put my hand on my neck, "It'll be okay." After that moment we heard the annoucment bell came on.


Tohru Honda, please come to the main office, Tohru Honda come to the main office.

After that we then looked at each other and said in unison, "Tohru!" We won't make in time because the office on the other side of the building.

(Akito's pov)

I was outside by the main lobby waiting for Tohru to get here. She came here with a smile on her face and bowed down, "Sorry if I didn't make you wait to.....long...." She sat there and seemed confused on who I was. "Hello, you must be Miss Honda. Do you remember seeing me at the Sohma house? Sorry for not properly introducing myself, I get rather shy around people I don't know." I lied. As I was about to go on with us talking Kyo ran in front of her. "Akito! What did you do to her?!" I look at him with a straight face, "We was simply introducing ourselves, right Tohru?" Kyo seemed to get madder and madder every time I opened my mouth. "Get out!" Kyo yelled at me, "Fine but I am coming back." I walked away.

(Tohru's pov)

'I'm glad he left, he was ki.da scaring me.And did he say, A-Akirto?' Then I started coming up with a lot of questions. I didn't notice that I was gripping on Kyo's shirt. I wanted to cry I tried to be strong. And out of no where Kyo turned around and hugged me, "I won't let him hurt you, I promise." I couldn't hold back anymore so I let out my tears. 'D-does Akito, *sniff* hate me?' "Tohru, don't worry about him, I will protect you, forever."

well sorry for taking forever to take to time to do my book but yeah I'll try to get back onto chapter 4 as soon as possible, But here's chapter 3. I hope you liked it leave comments to me please your opinions. Mkay, byeeee.

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