Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

(Yuki’s pov)

It’s been a few days since Akito came and visited. Kyo is being a little over protective of Tohru, and Tohru......she’s a still kinda jumpy but is trying to forget about it.

I was sitting at the table with Shigure. I wasn’t paying much attention to what he was watching. Today is a quiet Friday so i’m pretty sure he is watching the news. We sat there for a while until we noticed a pair of feet sneaking downstairs, “Oh, good morning-” I was stopped by Tohru shushing me. “Sorry Kyo is still sleeping and I don’t want to wake him up.” I smiled, ‘ok.’

Tohru went to the kitchen and I followed her, “Miss Honda, how have you been doing? I mean after the unexpected visit.” She looked down and answered, “To be honest, I’m still kinda nervous. But I know that I am well protected, but the stories you guys told me just worries me. I just don’t want to get you in trouble.” I walked up to her and hugged her, “Don’t worry about us, we want to protect you.” After I said that she had a few tears fall from her eyes. We pulled away and heard a pair of feet come down stairs. Tohru quickly whipped her tears away and walked to the fridge. “Ah, good morning Kyo!” Shigure smiled. Kyo ignored Shigure’s ‘Hello’ and walked to Tohru.

(Tohru’s pov)

Kyo walked my way and I closed the fridge door and he layed his head on my shoulder. Yuki looked at me. Kyo started to talk, "Tohru, I don't feel so hot." He lifted his head and I put my hand on his forehead, " Kyo! You have a fever, you need to stay home."  I said. Yuki shook his head agreeing to what I said. "I can't," He started," I have a test today."

Kyo and I walked to the stairs to his room. I walked Kyo to his bed, then went back downstaris to make soup for Kyo before Yuki and I walked to school. After I gave Kyo his soup, I was almost out of the door until Shigure stopped me, "Here." I looked at the paper wondering what it is. "Um, what is it?" Shigure smiled and said, "Its a note for Kyo's absents." I took it and smiled. Before I said anything else I opened the note and it read:

Dear school,

Kyo will not be in today and might not be in tomorrow due to his fever. Please forgive his absents and send home his paper work. Thank you.


I closed the door and thanked Shigrue for the note. I walked towards the door when I saw Hatori and Momiji at the door. "Good morning! Tohru, Yuki are you ready for school?" Yuki and I nodded our heads then left.

(Shigure's pov)

"Bye you three! See you later." I yelled. Yuki, Tohru, and Momiji waved then left. Hatori looked at me and asked. "Why am I here?" I looked at him and I explained to him about Kyo's fever."I know he isn't really part of the family, but he, he is."Hatori sighed. He nodded his head and I led him the way to Kyo's room.

Kyo was sleeping in his bed when Hartori and I got into his room. Hatori walk towards Kyo and carefully and quietly put the thermometer in his mouth. "His temperature is 102 degrees, this might sting so you might as well hold him down." I nodded in not even wanting to argue back. Then Hatori pulled out a needle, "You're not going to use that on him are you." I asked, "Yes, unless you want him to be sick and spread it. And if he reaches 105*F he will have to the hospital or Vet if he transforms." Hatori carfully pushes the needle in Kyo's arm. I felt a little jump from Kyo. Hatori pulled out the big needle and cleaned it with a tissue then put it away. He then pulled out a bandage for Kyo and placed it on his arm. "He should be fine in a few days." I thanked him and we went downstairs. We sat and talked for a while. Then he went home.

I then felt lonely after Hatori left. So....... I called my little snake friend.

~A few days later~
(Kyo's pov)

'Thank God, school is over for today!' I thought as I was walking out of the school with Tohru. I decided to walk Tohru to her job. I dropped her off and started to walk home until... "Kyo, we should run away!" I stared at yuki with a WTF face trying to find out why he said that. "What the hell Yuki?!" He looked at me, "I'm warning you you're gonna hate being there." he said and walks away from the house. I walked home and before I open the door, I could hear ,loud as day, Shigure and Ayame laughing hysterically. I jumped on the roof and waited for Hatori to come get him.

I've been outside for almost 3 hours. I decided to jump through my window. Now I'm in my room. I lay down on the floor and waited. A few more hours passed and I finally walked downstairs and I saw Yuki trying to get air in his lungs because Ayame was hugging him so tight. And when he spotted me he dropped yuki and he ran towards me.

"KYO!!!" Ayame yelled. 'Oh crap.' I thought.

"Ayame," I heard a voice from behind me and Ayame stopped on one foot and yelled happily, "HATORI!"

Hey danced his way to him. "I thought I told you to stay home." Hatori looked the white long haired man. "But I had to, Shigure said he was so lonely and now look at him, he's going to be sad if i leave him now." Ayame pointed at Shigure's puppy eyes and fake tears.

"GO HOME! YOU'VE BEEN HERE FOR 6 HOURS!" I yelled. Hatori looked at me and smiled, "I guess it's not a bad idea to stay a little while longer." Hatori sat while Ayame jumped happily. "Ahhh whatever, I'm getting Tohru!"

"I'll come with you!" Yuki jumped up and ran towards me. I shrugged and we went.

Who are halfway there to wear Tohru worked. "Sorry for that, I just couldn't stay there any longer." I nodded my head understanding. And then we heard a scream. We looked at each other scared out of our minds, "TOHRU!" We say in unison.

We ran towards the noise. Before our eyes, Tohru was basically getting choked by a boy with black hair and in our school uniform. Yuki yelled out to the black haired boy, "LET GO OF HER AKITO!" I've never heard him yell like that. "Wait, what the hell are you doing?!" I ran towards Tohru and Akito. He dropped Tohru and ran towards me. I couldn't react fast enough and his fist was coming right for me. Before he hit me I shut my eyes tight, knowing I will feel pain. But I heard a hit but I felt no pain. I open my eyes see Yuki curled up in a ball holding his stomach and in pain. Tohru carefully tried crawling past Akito to get to Yuki. "Where are you going, we haven't finished talking yet." he grabbed Tohru's hair and pulled her up. She screamed in pain. I moved one step closer. "If you take any more steps towards me, I WILL CLEAR HER MEMORY!" I immediately stopped. Akito smirked. I turned and saw Yuki gasping for air. I was in the middle of trying to figure out if I should save Tohru or help Yuki. Right at the nick of time, I saw Hatori and Ayame walking down the road, "Kyo! Where's Yuk-" He stopped when he saw Yuki on the ground gasping for air. Ayame's eyes lit on fire.

"Who the hell hit my brother!" His personality changed in like 2.5 seconds. He then looked at poor Tohru as her feet barely touch the ground. He took out a hair tie and put his hair up. It looked like a mess but it was up. again Akito dropped Tohru. They starred at each other. I didn't pay attention too much to the fight. I ran to Tohru and picked her up. I walked carefully over to have Hatori and Yuki without getting hurt.

I got to them and Hatori picked up Yuki and called Ayame then left. I looked back and saw Akito staring at us leaving.

We got home and I brought Tohru to her bedroom. I laid her on her bed. 'I'm sorry for not getting there sooner.' I laid beside her sleeping body then fell asleep with the one I love.


True feelings (a Kyo and Tohru story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin