Chapter 8

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Thank ya'll for waiting FOREVER! I know, I know I will start back up but I have a reason. I would either be focusing on one book or I was stress. Not really an excuse but shall we continue????????? And there is a little bit of history of abuse but not much just letting y'all know.

(Tohru's pov)

"Who are you??" I asked. The boy looked like he was going to cry. "What's wrong?" He looked at me with tears coming down his cheeks. "Are you telling me you don't remember who I am?" He said. I tilted my head, "Um, Have we met before?" I started to get more and more confused. The boy ran out the door, 'Did I do something wrong?' I saw the picture of mom. I picked the picture fame with the photo in it and asked, "What did I do wrong?"

(Kyo's pov)

'Akito! I will fuckin' KILL YOU!' I ran to the Sohma house in what felt like a few seconds. I ran into Akito's room and yelled, "What the hell you bastard!!" I ran towards him forming my hand into a fist. I threw it at him. Akito grabbed my fist in his hand, "Ow Kyo, That hurt." He said sarcastically. He started tightening his grip which made me yelp in pain, 'Damn he's strong.' Then something jumped through the window and bit Akito, "Hello Shigure, nice to see you too." Akito did a stare, that scares almost everyone, to Shigure and Shigure got hesitant but bit harder. Akito let go of my fist.

Every time I looked at Akito, I thought of Tohru. On how he took her memories. I started to get angry. As Shigure bit hard enough to where Akito started bleeding. I again ran over to Akito and threw my fist at him which brought him to the ground. I was so pissed off to the point, I think I knocked him out.

(Yuki's pov)

Its been a while since Kyo and Shigure left. I finally went upstairs to check on Tohru. I walked in and saw Tohru sitting on her bed crying, Miss Honda?" She looked up, she made me feel like a stranger the way she looked at me. I heard the door in the background slam open. "Damnit!" someone shouted. I ran downstairs to see Kyo on the ground and Shigure in pain, "What happened?!" Kyo tighted his jaws, "Tohru's memory is lost!" My eys widened after I heard that from Kyo. I looked upstairs to see Tohru. She was saying something but I could barley here her, "Y-Yuki, K-Kyo, S-Shigure." I saw tears run her face. Kyo looked up, then the moment was ruined but the door slamming open. it was the pair of twins. "Hanu, Haru, what are you doing here??" Haru and Hanu panted. "We *pant* had to see *pant* Tohru. Where is she?" I looked at the twins and said, "She's upstairs in her room." Hanu ran upstairs and Haru stayed with us.

(Hanu's pov)

I ran upstairs to Tohru's room I walked in, "Hey Tohru, are you okay?" I asked, "I don't know anymore. I don't remember anything about this house, or the guys downstairs, or you." She answered in a sad tone. "What is the last thing you remember?" I asked, " I remember getting ready for a bath, then went to my room to get some clothes, and then saw," I interrupted Tohru and finished the last word, "Akito."

I ran downstairs, " Where's the heck is Akito?!" I was afraid to ask because after what happened between me and his henchman. "I-I don't know." Kyo looked down at the ground. I grabbed Haru's arm, "Haru, lets go."

"Hanu, Wait! Do you not remember what happened! Akito tried to kill us and he allowed his men or man you beat you and stuff." I froze and looked at Haru, "I know but I can't let him hurt anyone else like Tohru again." I sighed . "I understand , but we're older now, We might have gotten stronger." He smiled, 'I'm glad because he is the only one that understands me.'

(Haru's pov)

I decided to go to the Sohma house with Hanu. I went with Hanu because I don't want her getting hurt or worse killed. We left Shigure's house and went to the Sohma house. "Hanu, don't forget Akito was strong then he can be even stronger now." She turned to me and nodded. "Don't worry at least we are old enough to know where we are." True, but our past wasn't like what other kids had.

(The Sohma twins past)

In the cold month of winter, we were outside living on our own. "Hanu I'm cold." I said shivering, "We'll be at the Sohma house very soon I promise." We kept walking until we came to the door. Hanu and I slide open the main gates and walked in. 'WOW! IT'S HUGE IN HERE!' I yelled in my head. Then in the window we saw a boy about our age at the time. We walked to the place where the strange boy was. Before we knocked the door opened and he was there. "Hello Haru and Hanu. Come in." We walked in and the boy introduced himself, "Oh pardon me, my name is Akito." We both started at him then smiled. He smiled back. Until till night came around, Hanu was beaten and abused by one of Akito's men and I was  blind folded and brought in deep forrest. And everywhere I looked I saw trees. Until someone found me.

"Hey Haru? Are you okay." I forgot I was walking and I looked at Hanu, who looked worried. "Yes, I'm fine." She walked towards me and wrapped her arms around me, "You know i'm always here, you can tell me anything that's on your mind." I looked down at her and smiled, "I'm okay, really."

"Are you sure??" she asked. I nodded my head and before we walked away, we saw the Sohma house. We walked in the house. Akito was in and Hanu yelled at Akito, "Damnit Akito! Why are you screwing with people's love lives!" Akito looked over at us and stared at us creepily. "Oh Hanu, Why would you care?" Hanu put her hands into fist, "Because your the one who beat me and abused me!" I was trying so hard not to kill Akito. "Ah yes, I remember that night and I was so close to killing your brother, Haru."

Well that's all I hope you liked it. Tell me what y'all thought. Any questions or comments. Thanks for reading and again I'm sorry for the VERY long wait. And I'm sure this was the worse. Idk what do y'all think??

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