Chapter three

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Ted woke up bright and early and ready for his first full day, but first, he got himself and Bambi ready. She would be starting reception in a few days and even then, they'd been half days until after Christmas then it will be for the full day. The father and daughter duo met Beard outside their doors, who had the idea to get breakfast. But Ted and Bambi had one piece of cereal that left them stuffed so instead they went to get coffee. After Ted being nearly ran over, meeting a very talented busker and seeing a group of children play football, they made it to Rebecca's office.

"Knock-a-doodle-doo" Ted greeted as he opened the door and stepped inside, Bambi trailing after him holding two small boxes one pink and one black. "Ah, good morning coach Lasso and Bambi" Rebecca returned the greeting as she closed her laptop down not wanting him to know that she was googling her ex-husband. "I'm glad we caught ya. We brought you a little something" Ted told her as Bambi handed her one of the boxes, "Biscuits!" Bambi cheered clutching onto the other box. Rebecca tried to refuse but then she made the mistake of looking at the younger Lasso who was making very effective puppy eyes which she was ashamed to admit made her cave. She grabbed the shortbread and took a small bite, "fuck me" she exclaimed, "where do you get these?" she asked but was denied an answer. Ted then proposed the idea of "biscuits with the boss" which was not something that Rebecca seemed keen on doing.

They made a quick pit stop at the locker room before the pitch, "Roy!" Bambi yelled hugging the thankfully fully clothed footballer. "Bambi! And how are you today?" he asked just as happy to see her, "good, me and daddy made you biscuits" she thrust the black box into his hands. Roy didn't point out that he wasn't allowed sweets and he was on a strict diet and instead opened it and took a big overexaggerated bite making her laugh. "Fuckkkkk, these are good" he groaned before putting the box in his locker. He then picked her up and hugged her as they made their way to the pitch, "I like the black box" he complimented. "Thank you, Daddy, wanted to use a pink box but you wear a lot of black" she whispered like it was a secret, "thank you but I wear dark heather charcoal" he corrected but thankful it wasn't a bright pink.

Ted and coach rambled on about boots for a while, as the team played Jamie passed Sam easily but caused the Nigerian player to fall much to his displeasure. Jamie managed to get around the other players before scoring a goal. Never one to be humble he wandered over to Sam, "Someone get some flowers. 'cause this is the spot where Sam died" he rubbed in causing other players to laugh. Roy, however, wasn't laughing "Oi! Walk away you little prick" he growled while shoving the younger player's shoulder moving him away from Sam. "Alright, Granddad. Keep your wig on" Jamie laughed before walking away, Roy helped Sam stand to his feet.

"Hey, Sam. Come here a sec" Ted yelled, the footballer made his way to Ted apologizing before he was cut off, "do you know what the happiest animal alive is?". Sam shook his head not knowing where this is going, "it's a goldfish. You know why?" Ted grinned when Sam said no, he expanded on why they are the happiest animal. "Got a ten-second memory. Be a goldfish Sam" when he walked away with a confused expression on his face, Ted and Nate talked about why Sam is down in the dumps and how it's affecting his performance.

Seeing that it was nearly the end of training and that Bambi looked bored, Roy grabbed a spare ball and made his way to her, "come on little miss time to teach to kick a ball properly". Grinning Bambi got up and made her way to the ball, "wait where do I put Derek?" she asked looking at the said wolf in worry that she'll accidentally kick him. Roy gently took the wolf off her and placed him under his arm, "he can be my assistant coach" he told her. He then taught her the right way to kick a ball, to his surprise for a four-year-old she had a helluva kick. "Well done!" he bent down to give her a high five. He had her kicking the ball until the end of training before promising that they'll go onto dribbling tomorrow. Once their mini-training was over he made sure to give Derek back knowing from his experience with Phoebe that little kids are possessive of their favourite stuffed animals.

Once training was done the boys made their way to the training room ignoring Higgins outstretched hand for a high five. However, never one to leave people hanging Bambi slapped his hand as she passed, only managing to reach as Roy was carrying her. Roy put Bambi down before making his way to his locker and pulling out a kid's sleep mask, "here you go, with this on you don't have to use your hands to cover your eyes". She thanked him then put on the puppy mask and made her way over to her daddy's chair, spinning around or at least attempting to.

"Alright fellas, excuse me" Ted tried to get their attention as he came out of his office, but he was ignored, "listen up!" Beard yelled successfully getting their attention. "we've got crystal palace coming here on Saturday. Anything we need to know, coach?" Ted reminded before asking his friend. "Lot of speed on the outside" Beard reminded them, "uh, y'all whipped em up pretty good earlier this year, so me and coach ain't gonna mess with the game plan." Ted carried on, before he could finish Roy stood up only in a towel ready to take a shower. "But-but-but we would like to start fiddling with the way we do things in the locker room. And if the internet has taught us anything it's that sometimes it's easier to speak our minds anonymously, right? So, I asked Bambi with the help of Nate to make us a good old-fashioned suggestion box" Ted rambled on before Nate came forward with the suggestion box that he and Bambi worked very hard on. It was a dark blue covered in silver glittery stars and pink footballs with some pipe cleaners attached to it. Ted, complimented it oblivious to Jamie and Richards's quiet laughter, but Roy wasn't, he glared at them for laughing at Bambi's box. While Roy glared a lot, Jamie and Richard quickly stopped as this was one of his scariest ones to date. "So, if anything's got y'all hot and bothered, just go ahead and drop us a note" Ted placed the box on the raised platform. Roy walked over to Ted complaining that they'd lost three to four but all he was worried about is if the snacks are tasty or not before storming off when Ted asked if they are. Luckily for Ted, Jamie answered his question turns out the snacks are not good, so he decided to pick out some new tastier treats with the help of Bambi who was a keen snacker.

Ted went to enter the stadium when he noticed Rebecca making her way towards the door wanting to leave, always the gentleman Ted held it open for her. "That's a long time to wait Ted" she sighed as she walked out the door, but Ted respected that she didn't hurry. Rebecca asked how his first official day went, to which he answered the smallest measurement they have in England, but he was still upbeat and happy. "I like Roy and the spinny chairs!" Bambi piped up wanting to be included and she really did like Roy and the chairs.

They were interrupted by a car that came speeding tires screeching as they pulled into the car park before badly parking. Keeley stepped out, "what would you rather be a lion or a panda?". Keeley made her way over to Ted and Bambi as Rebecca stomped away while sighing that she didn't have time for this. "okay, Ted?" "gotta go panda" he answered thinking of the adorable, mellow and fluffy bears, at this Rebecca turned. "Are you mad? Pandas are fat and lazy and have piss-stained fur. Lions are powerful and majestic and rule the jungle" she ranted, "lions don't live in the jungle they live in the savannah" Bambi corrected reluctantly she didn't want to upset her daddy's boss. "Really? Hmm I didn't know that, lions rule the savannah pandas dont" Rebecca amended while Bambi gave a thumbs up of approval. "try telling that to an elephant, ooh can I be an elephant?" Ted asked excitedly but was shot down being told lion or panda. Again he picked panda while boss picked lion before making a joke, "what's black, white and red all over? A panda that gets anywhere near a fucking lion" she told before walking to her car.

Once she made her way out of the car park, Keeley turned to Ted and started to ramble about how intimidating Rebecca is and how she starts sweating when she makes eye contact with the tall woman. "can I be a wolf?" Bambi asked Keeley, "Of course, you can sweetheart, you wanna have a black coat like Derek?" she answered while pointing at the wolf that Bambi was hugging. The little Lasso thought it over, before answering as long as she was a wolf, she didn't care what colour her fur would be. Jamie came out the door, "Hi babe!", "hey Jamie what would you rather be? A lion or a panda?" Ted asked lightly slapping him on the shoulder. "coach I'm me, why would I want to be anything else?" he retorted in his thick Manchester accent, "I'm not sure you realise how psychologically healthy that is" the American told him. "Cheers," Jamie then walked off towards the car as Keeley walked closer to Ted, "Lion" "definitely a lion" they both agreed.

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