Chapter Eight

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Biscuits with the boss started in an unusual way as Ted held an ice pack to his head as he walked into the club's shutter on his way in. To Rebecca's shock and dismay, he then began talking about how he and his wife Michelle were having marital problems.

Bambi and Beard made their way to the locker room, Beard stuck his head in first making sure that everyone was fully clothed before allowing her to go in. She went in holding her usual boxes a black and a light blue, "Uncle Roy! Jamie!" she rushed towards Roy as Jamie made his way towards them. "Since you never got to eat them, I brought you biscuits!" Bambi exclaimed holding the blue box above her head, Jamie grabbed the box looking at Roy who was already eating his. He was in training and therefore not supposed to eat any sweets, but the captain is so fuck it, he bit into it before closing his eyes and moaning. "Shit, these are great!" he told her before shoving the rest in his mouth, Roy was side-eyeing him. "what's the matter grandad?" he asked playfully, "maybe don't moan like that in front of the kid" he grunted.

They were all on the pitch running through a game when Sam was yelling at Jamie that he was open, ignoring him Jamie booted it and it was going in the goal until Ted caught it. Lecturing him about how he needed to make an extra pass as Sam was more open than the jar of peanut butter on his kitchen side. All the players look at each other confused, "Oh that's right y'all don't know that I like to keep my peanut butter open so I can stick a finger in there" he explained.

Ted turned his head when he heard Henry yelling Dad, "Practice is canceled" he told them before running towards the rest of his family. After telling them that he thought they were gonna meet him halfway he picked up his son before spinning him around in a game called helicopter. "Where's Bambi" Michelle asked anxious to see her youngest child, "She's with--" he was cut off by the devil herself. "mummy!" she yelled jumping into her mum's arms who hugged her back tightly happy to see her daughter after so long.

Whilst all this was happening and the others were making their way back to the changing rooms, "We've got a match soon we should be trainin'" Jamie complained. "I agree" Roy grunted, Jamie stared at him in shock, did Roy Kent just agree with him? "what's that fucking face?" "You just agreed with meh". Roy looked between Bambi with her family and Jamie "fuck! Alright me and you'll train together" he told the younger footballer who agreed happily. "After training, I have a beer endorsement though" Jamie let him know as they began training again, Roy grunted which Jamie took to mean that he heard.

When It came time for Jamie's advertisement Roy followed him stating he had nothing better to do and wanted to watch him make a fool of himself. Roy was proved right when Jamie revealed that his Chinese tattoo translated to 'arm' and held the beer to his forehead while saying that he was a brewnicorn. Roy would take it to his grave but he did let out a little chuckle at beerby, he blamed it on the surprise, not the pun itself. 

"Now a little tip for y'all fries are called 'chips' and chips are called 'crisps'" Ted warned as they made their way to the crown and anchor. They were greeted by Baz asking when they were going to win a game followed by the classic wanker, Ted introduced them to Michelle. "absolute pleasure to meet you Mrs. Lasso" Baz smiled, Mae came over with a hand full of darts telling him where the board is and not to hit any of the regulars. Bambi followed her brother mainly because Paul was there, and he was her favourite of the Richmond fans.

Michelle and Ted sat down and ordered fish and chips while their kids were off playing, The atmosphere was awkward, but no one wanted to acknowledge it. They began talking about food being wrapped in newspaper when Henry came running over, "Oh you already done bud?" Ted asked glad that he broke the tension. "Yeah, he probably should be" another one of the regulars called pointing at Paul who had a dart stuck in his arm. "Oooh well, I'm sorry about that" Ted apologized while Paul whimpered That is happened all the time, Baz flicked the dart making Paul shriek. Bambi came over with a wet cloth and a bandage before swiftly yanking out the dart before putting the cloth on the wound. Michelle looked at her daughter in shock, "When did she learn to do that?" she asked, gesturing to their four-year-old bandaging a man's arm. "Roy taught her, said he didn't want her freaking out if she ever hurt herself so taught her first aid" Ted explained his voice filled with both amusement and fondness.

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