Chapter seven

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Nate, Beard and Ted were watching the team on the pitch, they were in two separate groups which reminded Ted of westside story. Bambi, who had an inset day was running between the two groups as one had Roy and the other had Jamie. Rebecca opened her window to yell to Beard that he couldn't have steak and chicken and that he has to pick one, before moving on to Ted needing to know who his plus one was. "Bambi will be my plus one!" he yelled back, hearing her name she looked over from her spot on the floor by Roy's feet, having got tired of all the running. "Bambi's got her own" the boss yelled back before adding that beard was bringing a plus one, Ted turned to his friend who shrugged. "I'm gonna bring Nathan!" Ted yelled his answer after checking that the kitman was free, "who?". "Nate the great! He's gonna be my date. And for obvious reasons we'd love to be at table eight" Ted rhymed whilst he clapped Nate on the shoulder showing her who he meant.

Beard gave Roy a signal which meant that training on had 20 minutes left, Roy grabbed the cones and a spare ball then finally picking Bambi up off the floor. They wandered to a quiet corner as Roy set up the cones with Bambi trying to help but getting in the way more, but Roy just thanked her for doing a good job. "Okay, I'm gonna stand in goal" Roy started getting between two cones, "and you have to try and score" he finished. Bambi kicked the ball with all of her strength, which admittedly wasn't a lot, but she still managed a hard kick. In the wrong direction. "Good kick but try and aim" Roy advised; Jamie then came over. He walked slowly and sheepishly like he wasn't sure if he'd be wanted, "Jamie!" Bambi yelled in excitement. "Be easier with two of us, I can teach her how while you be the goalie then we switch" he offered getting a grunt and nod from Roy. For the last of training the two taught Bambi how with them both giving her great but different advice.

Ted and Bambi were both ready for the gala, Ted was leaving Michelle and voice message telling her how he was wearing the suit she made him pack and how she was always right. Stopping by Cam the street performer, Ted dropped in some money before he spotted Nate in a suit that was just a bit baggy. The three went to a suit shop to get Nate a more flattering suit to wear, they showed up to the gala, Nate feeling a lot more confident.

Jamie and Roy made their way to the table at the same time, they quickly realised that they were stuck with each other. "I'm switching tables" Roy stated before walking off but was quickly stopped by Bambi doing her signature ram you in the legs move. "Roy! We are sitting next to each other!" she beamed up at him, Roy closed his eyes and swore in his head. "That's great and don't you look beautiful" he said as he looked at her dress, Ted told them to take a seat before revealing that it was Bambi's idea to have them on the same table. Both Jamie and Roy looked at her in betrayal, "Miss Becca was gonna put Jamie on the boring table" she defended whilst pointing at table four which did look like the worse table filled with old rich snobs. Jamie suddenly looked a lot more grateful to be on the table he was on, "thanks darling". Ted then suggested that they get it all out what they didn't like about one another, "he's a piece of shit". Once they were done insulting each other Ted went on about other duos like didn't like each other and how even Woody and Buzz got under each other's plastic and how they need to find some common ground. "who wants to get the ball rolling?" Ted offered looking round the table, "I do!" Bambi raised her hand. "Roy dark feather charcoal is your colour, Jamie I like your hair" she started, Roy smiled but didn't have the heart to tell her it's heather charcoal. She then began rambling on about everything she liked about everyone on the table.

After she finished Keeley went, saying how much she liked Nates suit and Bambi's dress. After asking Roy if he wants to go the insulting began again, Bambi needed to go the toilet, so Keeley went with her. Richard had enough of this whole thing already, "they don't need to find common ground because they already have" he told Ted in his thick French accent. Ted, Jamie and Roy looked at him confused, "Bambi".

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