Chapter Nine

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Ted sat on his bed twisting his wedding ring around on his finger the conversation between Michelle and him on his mind. He took it off, still fiddling with it for a couple of seconds before placing it in a gold tin box and shutting the lid. Due to it being October Bambi had half term, despite knowing that she goes sometimes it feels like she's always at the dog track.

After delivering the biscuits to Rebecca they made their way to the coaches' office, Beard and Nate were talking about strategies when they saw Ted walk in, "oh boy". Luckily Bambi didn't have to hear her dad ramble on about work and how the word 'bury' is kind of a negative word. Instead, she was following Jamie who was essentially using the four-year-old as a therapist, "it's confusing cause I went there dating Keeley, then we broke up. I left with Roy and had one of the best nights of me life" he rambled. Bambi nodded as tried to write it down which was hard, but Roy had been teaching her claiming that her school was too slow. "What made it one of the best nights?" she asked, taking her role a bit too seriously, Jamie thought about the previous night, Roy had been his normal self but a lot more affectionate. "He was attentive, you know? like if I went in the kitchen, Roy followed and made my drink and even cooked. Bambi he is a wonderful cook" He went on as Bambi continued writing it down. "You like like him" Bambi smiled as she shut her notebook rather dramatically.

"Shit, I do" Jamie began panicking, what would his dad do if he found out? How did he now act around Roy? all these questions went around his head. "I think he likes you too" "That's impossible" he scoffed before turning to her, "you think so?". She nodded quickly while smiling, "since you've been nicer and more yourself, he's started to like you". Before Jamie could badger her more about Roy, the man himself walked in, "you two alright". "Roy!" Bambi yelled her answer jumping on him as she told him that his biscuits were in his cubby, "Hey" Jamie squeaked before coughing and repeating his greeting in his usual voice.

After cuddling Bambi for a couple of minutes, Roy set her down and asked if she could get her dad to stop saying 'plan' while he talked to Jamie. "I didn't do nothing" Jamie blurted not sure what the other footballer wanted to tell him. Roy just looked at him like he was stupid, "I just wanted to say that I last night" he told Jamie "and I was wondering if you wanted to come to mine this weekend so Bambi and my niece can play their game" Roy asked. Jamie smiled up at him and he really didn't like the feeling he got, "I'd like that, although I'm still curious what their game is?".

Roy made his way to the pitch with a pouting Jamie following after he refused to tell him what the game is. They were just getting warmed up when suddenly a voice sung "Dani Rojas, Rojas, Dani Rojas", the new transfer came bounding in, running in circles before making his way to the coaches. Leaping his way towards everyone, Dani began high fiving everyone but when he made his way to Jamie and threw up his hands to greet him, Jamie flinched. On the side Nate was smiling, "seems that Jamie doesn't like him" he commented the smile never leaving his face.

A few months ago, if Jamie reacted like that, they all would've thought that he didn't like Dani and didn't want to high-five or touch him. But now they all liked Jamie and were real friends, so when he flinched like that it just made them concerned, Roy patted him on the back and nudged him back into his spot. They began playing with Jamie passing to Dani who scored before running over to him and jumping around him, "beautiful left cross Jamie" he complimented still beaming. Jamie now grinned just as brightly back and jumped on Dani his legs crossing at him waist, "thank you! I've been working on it" he yelled. Roy sighed to himself but had a small smile as he walked over to the two who were celebrating, they looked like a golden retriever and a raven retriever having a play date. He grabbed Jamie by the waist and picked him up successfully separating the two, "he complimented my left cross!". "Good you've been working on it and its starting to show" Roy agreed, Jamie preened at the praise from his captain.

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