School party (2 part)

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Donna, Brenda and Clare watched the boys enter.
"WoW," Clare exclaimed, "you're really super."
Both blushed immediately.
"Yes, it's true," Brenda confirmed and Samuel gave her a kiss on the cheek to thank her.
Donna clapped her hands "ok, we're ready to get the girls down..."
Both Nate and Samuel sighed. They were excited and had teased each other continuously on the car journey.
The girls appeared above the stairs, and the two were out of breath. They were really every more than expected, Samuel followed Emma as she descended the stairs and threw him shy looks. She was also the girl of the long morning runs side by side but she was also a really hot young woman.
She had simple makeup, blonde hair pulled up into a soft hairstyle, a smile Samuel could look at forever.
He reached out to help her down the last steps.
"Wow," he said, "I'm speechless. You're gorgeous. Lovely"
"Thank you," she replied timidly.
Nate and Blanca exchanged a sweet kiss and a smile. Nate approached Blanca's ear "you're always the most beautiful person I've ever seen."
"Okay," said Brenda, "a photograph all together? Your mom told me to send her some to put in the family album and ti show your father," she said, turning to Samuel.
Some photographs were taken, some even witty, then the boys got into the Limousine without ever taking their hands off and went to the school party with Sean and Pamela.
Brenda saw them walk away and hoped that at least Blanca would have a wonderful evening. As soon as the limo came out of the gate, Brenda's cell phone rang.
"Matt?... ok, see you at the Pit" she said then turned to Clare and Donna "I have to go talk to Matt and Valerie".
"Valerie?" asked Donna.Brenda reassured her, "don't worry, I have to talk to Valerie about other things, but if you accept the advice, I think you have to clarify with David and he will have to do it with Valerie."
Donna nodded.
Valerie was busy in the office, accounting for some expenses and organizing the next concerts. The door was open and David knocked before entering.
"Hey" Valerie greeted him with a very bright smile.
"What are you doing around here? I wasn't expecting you until 8pm, I thought you wanted to be with Ethan a little bit."
"Ethan is by Felice, strangely he adores his grandmother."
Valerie nodded but felt that David had not just come to help her.
"Is something wrong?"
David sighed, he wanted to tell Valerie the truth and knew that it would be a big risk, that Valerie would surely get angry, that she would probably argue with him, but hiding the truth had never served any purpose except to build heavy golden cages in which David had already lived relentlessly and which had led to the end of the relationship with Donna.
"I need to talk to you," David said in a low voice.
His expression worried Valerie but she decided to maintain self-control and leave him some room.
"Hmmh.. tell me"
David closed the door and sat in the chair in front of Valerie's desk as she kept her blue eyes straight on him.
David dangled his head a little looking down and trying to pick up the words, then looked up and found her eyes.
"Something happened, something I should be talking to you about"
Valerie did not make any gestures, no feelings from her and yet her heart was on fire.
"When I picked up Ethan to take him to school, there was Joe in by Donna. I don't know if I will be able to find the words and make you really understand, but seeing Joe, seeing Donna who had a new person by her side made me weak, it destabilized me, because she has always been there for me".
David could see that Valerie was hurt by what he was telling her and the pain was also his especially because he knew what he was about to inflict on her.
"This fact made me unreasonable, we had an argument and rightly Donna pointed out to me that I am not part of her life and have not been for years and by my choice."
David returned with his eyes inside Valerie's.
"I don't know exactly what I got, but I kissed her. I kissed her to keep her quiet, I kissed her because I wanted the certainty that I hadn't really lost her, I kissed her because I don't know either because I kissed her."
Valerie's eyes filled with tears that she couldn't stop. She had sensed that something was wrong, she knew David very well and how he became estranged, this being obsessed with Joe, with Donna, yet in all the moments they had shared together he was always the same David, extremely passionate, sweet towards her. .
"I love you Valerie, it's a certainty, and I've made so many mistakes, this is definitely one, the second was hiding the truth, I don't want to be like my father, I want you to know the truth of what happened and I will accept the consequences."
Valerie stood up and looked out the window with her back to David.
"I think you need to get out of here."
"Val..." David sought contact in vain.
"OUT!" cried Valerie.
At that moment they knocked on the door.
"Whoever he is, send him away, we need to talk," David said.
Valerie looked at him with malice then went to the door and opened it. Matt and Brenda were standing in front of her so Valerie tried to recover an expression that gave a sense of normality.
"We can come back at another time," Brenda said embarrassedly.
"No, David was leaving," Valerie smiled.
"We really need to talk to both of us," Matt said, looking at David, "it's Dylan."
The party had been organized in the main hall of the Four Seasons by Janet and her whole group, many things could be said about Janet but certainly not that she did not know how to organize parties. The music and lights were set up very well and created a fun but also quite elegant environment. As soon as Samuel, Emma, Blanca and Nate entered together with Sean and Pamela, they immediately saw her in a very sexy and certainly quite expensive dress. The three stared at her for a few seconds. Nate had not spoken to her anymore, any attempt to clarify with Janet had fallen on deaf ears especially after the suspicion that she had organized the screening of that shameful video of him and Blanca and to cause the breakup with Samuel.
"It's pretty damn hot," Sean whispered in Samuel's ear.
"Behave Sean," Samuel smiled at him.
Nate and Blanca held hands. Nate would not let Blanca go for any reason in the world and as soon as he confirmed that she did not want to stay at the party for any reason he would take her away. Immediately. To protect her.
"Do you want to dance Blanca?" asked Nate with a smile.
"I would love"
The two walked away under the happy eyes of Samuel and Emma.
"I'm sorry I can't dance with you, at least not with this music, but as soon as the music slows down I won't mind holding you tight to me."
Emma immediately blushed and held herself even tighter to his hand.
She was in love and she knew it.
She had always been in love with Samuel Walsh and now he was an everyday reality. Emma had spent whole days wondering if by chance she was the second choice, Blanca's replacement, this was a woodworm that very often took her mind, which often had not made her sleep, but when they were together she and Samuel, she was sure that it was not so, she could not explain it to anyone, She couldn't even explain it to herself, but the way she touched her body was something that took her soul and made it his own. Of him.
She felt Samuel's hand clutch hers.
"Do we want to go for a drink?"
"Sure," she replied.
"You're wonderful, really I'm speechless and I feel really lucky."
Janet immediately spotted the couple who were heading for the buffet. Samuel had become her new obsession, hurting Emma was actually her new occupation, because she had had the effrontery to face her in front of the whole school and for Janet this was absolutely unbearable. Janet knew that dealing directly with the issue could only cause her trouble and would not work with Samuel and moreover she had the whole last year of high school to carry out her plan, sex was not a problem for her and neither was money, and she knew that Samuel hid great fragility.
"Hi," Janet said smiling at Samuel and Emma.
"Hello" answered only Samuel while Emma did not respond to the greeting indeed it seemed quite strange to her that she addressed them the word.
"May I talk to you for a moment?"
The question surprised both Samuel and Emma, but Samuel had no reason to object.
"Listen," Janet said in a very soft voice, "I know we had some problems because of the end of my relationship with Nate."
"By any problem, do you mean that you have done nothing but bully Blanca?" asked Emma with an angry look.
Janet used all her self-control not to slap Emma in front of everyone, she cleared her voice.
"Next year will be the last and I do not want to leave bad memories, I do not pretend that we are friends or that we recover a relationship, I apologize if I hurt your feelings and I intend to make this speech also to Blanca and Nate, after all when I was with Nate we also had fun and we had a good time ..." Janet held out her hand to both of them, "I hope there's a chance for a new beginning."
Samuel shook Janet's hand and the wait shifted to Emma.
It was quite long seconds then Emma sighed and shook hands too.
"Well, I'm happy," Janet walked away soon after, touching Samuel's hand in the movement.
Samuel paid no attention while Janet felt the excitement of the conquest, of being able to take something away from Emma.
"I don't believe a word of what she said," Emma said as she watched her walk away.
"If time lies, time will surely tell," Samuel said, looking back at Janet, who looked back across the room. That look struck Samuel.
"Do you want my girlfriend to flirt with a complete stranger to steal information about Ashley?"
"Shut up David," Valerie scolded him. It was evident that she was angry.
"David, Valerie," Brenda said in embarrassment, "I know I ask a lot of you but it's for Dylan, Ashley definitely hides secrets and I know Dylan didn't do anything. The only one who can tell us the truth is Ashley. We have to give it a try. We have to get to her."
"All right," Valerie said with a bright look.
"What?" asked David in amazement.
"Why don't you go to Donna?" said Valerie sarcastically.
Brenda realized that Valerie knew what had happened and felt relieved because she didn't like to have secrets with her.
"We don't want you to put your life at risk, we don't know what's behind this story, and if it gets too dangerous, you have to get out of trouble," Matt said.
"Tell me what I have to do and I'll do it, for Dylan"
Brenda and Matt smiled.
"Now it's late, but tomorrow morning we go to Brandon's at the clinic and we will explain everything"
Brenda hugged Valerie tightly and whispered a sincere thank you in her ear. Matt and Brenda left, leaving David and Valerie alone.
David kept his head down.
"I have been honest with you, I told you the truth I do not understand why you punish me in this way"
"I'm trying to help a friend"
"If you sleep with anyone in this story our relationship can be considered over"
"Really David?" said Valerie approaching him, "do you really think you are in a position to dictate the rules of the game? I remind you that you just confessed to me that you kissed your ex-wife."
"it was a damn mistake and I came to tell you because I love you Valerie.."
"I don't even want to listen to you"
"You'll have to listen to me instead; I love you and I made a mistake, it meant nothing to me"
"So why?" Valerie's tone had taken on notes of anger known to David.
"it just happened I can't explain it to you either" David took Valerie's face in his hands and she tried to wriggle out "but it will never happen again"
Valerie looked at David with tearful eyes.
"I have to finish doing My things and then I think you will have to take care of the place tonight" she said "I think you will have to take care of it for the next few days because I will not be available".
"Val "sighed when she wriggled out of his grip.
"No," she said, turning around, "for eight years I have done nothing but dedicate myself to you and to this dream of ours. Eight years in which I have been absolutely faithful to you because I wanted to build something, and now I hear that you go around sticking your tongue in your ex-wife's mouth because you can't handle the fact that she has a relation, are we worth so little David?"
"This didn't happen... "
Valerie bit her lip "I don't want to think about this story anymore David. Not tonight, please leave me alone."
"Please don't send me away," David pleaded with her.
"Please," said Valerie, who didn't know where to hold on to so she could breathe again. Her deepest fear, losing David, being alone, here she rose from the bowels and made her angry and Valerie did not want to say or do anything wrong that could compromise the life she had laboriously earned.
Blanca kept her arms around Nate's neck.
The music was very sweet and the two of them had started kissing in the middle of the room while the rest of the world slowly disappeared.
"Are you okay?" He asked her, interrupting the kiss.
"Yes, I'm glad I came, I was afraid of the party, after what happened at the spring dance, after Janet"
"I can't believe she came to apologize to you"
"Honestly neither do I, but Emma told me she went to her and Samuel too, am I too naïve if I want to believe her?"
"Janet?" replied Nate, "probably you are"
The movements were slow and Nate squeezed Blanca's waist even more.
"I know it's hard for you to be here," he said, "with your father's situation and all that, it's been a very hard year,"
she smiled, "I would like to have only joy in my heart, to have you by my side, but you know it's not like that."
"I know, and I'm okay, this story will end soon, your father will come home and you will have your family again and you will have me, I will protect you from anything."
Blanca looked him in the eye and smiled at him. God how she loves him.
"Do we always have our party if you want to get out of here?"
"Then I want to get out of here," Blanca whispered.
The two interrupted the dance and Blanca looked around to find Emma and warn her that they were leaving.
"I don't see her and I don't see Samuel either," Blanca said, looking around.
"There's Sean over there we'll leave it to him."
Emma and Samuel were inside the hotel room, they had both laughed when they found out they had both taken the room.
Samuel gently pulled down the zip of Emma's dress which fell to the floor leaving her in underwear while she unbuttoned his shirt and they continued to kiss deeply.
Samuel understood that when you make love to the person you love you can't really do the wrong thing, it's not really possible for it to happen, love and passion glide over bodies like hot fluid, every movement comes spontaneously. They had totally undressed and continued to kiss and look into each other's eyes.
Samuel began kissing her on every part of her body while Emma arched her back to allow him to slide.
Their tongues met several times, and then they set off on a long way on each other's bodies. Samuel insisted a lot on her neck, on her nipples, and then inside her thighs and she did not offer any resistance, she discovered for the first time the pleasure of sex and love that mixed in a single solution.
He felt a strong excitement that only at sixteen you can feel, he felt the romanticism of calm and inexperience that slowly became familiar with both their bodies.
They had abandoned the party, they had abandoned their old lives because they wanted a new one made of this too.
When Samuel entered inside her she felt that a part of her was gone forever and another formed something new with Samuel, the lonely days watching him walk and suffer were over, now she and Samuel were one, they had slipped to become one.
Samuel's thrusts caused her a bearable pain that faded very soon and they continued to kiss intensely, they could have continued through the night if they could, and they wanted it to continue forever, her blonde hair tickled his face when she straddled him and he didn't even know she could handle. His hands explored her body as she looked at him and stroked his hair.
Then they started again making love again, fucking, catching their breath on top of each other, increasing the desire and strength of the thrusts they both gave to their bodies.
They orgasmed together.
"I love you," he said as he touched her hair spread over his chest.
Emma closed her eyes in happiness "I love you" she replied.
Clothes were scattered everywhere in that room and they still had time and no desire to wear them again. Samuel felt happy, for the first time in a very long time he felt that his soul was freeing and losing and finding and losing, and he felt happy.
He felt the urge to let go of that bad time when it was no longer him, he felt that Emma had to know, she could endure, that she would welcome him now that he was still inside her while she had laid on his chest.
"Emma... I have to tell you something"
Emma raised her head and looked at him. Her look with a trickle of makeup, her bare breasts, her perfect body looking at him.
God how beautiful his girlfriend was, Samuel thought.
"I was the one who caused my and my father's accident... it was my fault."

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