Chapter 32 - King/Boris - How the Black Cross Got Its Fangs

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Chapter 32 - King/Boris: "How the Black Cross Got Its Fangs"

King slowly removed his foot from the artificial gas pedal that was attached to one of the arcade machines in the Cult of King's highly authentic underground arcade. After finishing their pool "game", Ivan and King played around the arcade for what felt like a few hours. The best thing about that place was that it never closed.

The fox looked at Ivan, placing his hands on his lap. "Alright, I think we're done here."

The vampire wiped his forehead, sitting in a plastic racing seat beside the cult leader. "Wow . . . where did you learn to race like that? It was close! But ha! I still won!"

King smirked. "I used to go to the arcade all the time with my dad before things fell apart. He seemed so . . . normal."

"Normal," Ivan repeated, thinking about his own dad. There was nothing normal about any of his life.

"Yep. So, wanna go back to my study? I think we were on the next Flyboy album."

"I thought it was Fryboy."

"Why would it be Fryboy?"

Ivan shrugged. "Could have sworn you said Fryboy."

"Uh-huh. Come on! Let's go!"


Later . . .

Ivan found himself in his underwear, lying under the covers beside his faithful leader. The comforter was pulled up to his chest and he looked at nothing in particular as the Fryboy/Flyboy album played around them.

"Feels weird to be so sober right now," King snorted.

"Thanks for being mindful of me," Ivan said.

"I wanted to hang out with you. It's no big deal. But don't get used to it."

"Hanging out?"

"Me being sober. It's harrrrd."

Ivan rolled his eyes. "It's not that hard, but okay."

"We should talk about what's next for Wrath," King suggested, turning on his side as his leg brushed along the striped hyena's. "He can't just sit here forever."

"If we have to," Ivan huffed. "But if I'm his bodyguard, then I suppose it only makes sense."

"That's the spirit!" King smiled, patting Ivan's toned pecs. "So yeah, now that I know where Sloth is, I think I'm going to send Boris there."

"You're going to make me go all the way to Japan?"

"It should be easy," King commented. "With Boris' mirror hopping trick and all."

"You think he could travel that far? And take us with him on top of that?"

"You'll have to use the portal, but then, you'll be fine."

"Guess that means you and I will separate for a bit, huh?" Ivan sighed.

"I'll still be alive when you return," King assured. "But it's part of our plan."

Ivan scratched the top of his head. "I'm nervous. What if getting Sloth makes you . . . Uh . . . Get off track?"

"You mean get super lazy?"

"You can't deny that Pride and Greed have changed you, just a bit . . . ."

"You might be right," King nodded. "We need to be particular about how we do this. Maybe it was a mistake to take those two Sins so fast."

"You actually agree with me?" Now, Ivan turned his head to look at King, who had been facing him the entire time.

"I do. Don't you agree this is the biggest plan ever conceived? It shouldn't be taken lightly. We didn't know what would happen when I absorbed the Sins, and I foolishly didn't prepare for it."

The Terror Gaze: Book 2 of The Mortal Guard SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now