19 Surprise!!!

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Darshan was painfully aware that he had no inkling of the turmoil raging within Esha's heart. Whatever she was going through, it was evident that the circumstances were far from favorable. It was a bizarre twist of fate that had entwined their lives, and he couldn't comprehend how something so unexpected and challenging had befallen them. All he had ever held were pure intentions when it came to her – to protect her, to shield her from the darkness of the world they inhabited.

He longed to declare his love for her, to shout it from the rooftops and let the world know that his affection for Esha was genuine and profound. But the city, the unforgiving metropolis they called home, had callously shattered their dreams and hearts. It was as if the city itself had turned against them, casting doubt and suspicion on Darshan's motives, tarnishing his image.

He felt the weight of their accusations and derogatory whispers, as they unjustly accused him of using Esha for his own gain – seeking a relationship merely to bask in the glow of money and fame. It was an absurd notion, one that seemed preposterous to Darshan. Did they not know him at all? Had he not demonstrated his love and devotion time and time again?

But despite the hurt and frustration that gnawed at him, what mattered most to Darshan was the impact these vicious rumours would have on Esha. Her happiness, her dreams, and her pursuit of making her own name in the world were his deepest concerns. He knew that Esha wanted nothing more than to carve her own path, to follow her passion without succumbing to the whims of a judgmental society.

The air was thick with tension as Darshan's worried voice echoed through the house, urgently calling out to Esha. Unaware of Aakash's presence on the other side of the door, Darshan's concern was palpable as he desperately pleaded for her to open up.

As the door swung open, Darshan's face drained of color when he laid eyes on Aakash. Confused to see Aakash. Stepping into the room, Darshan was taken aback by the distressing sight of Esha. Wrapped in a blanket, she sat by the window, her gaze fixed on the road outside. Her eyes appeared sunken, and evidence of her tears was evident in their dry and puffy state. It was clear that the allegations thrown at her were far from trivial; they had cruelly attacked and demeaned her character.

Darshan's steps towards Esha were abruptly halted by the firm grip of Aakash's arm. A mix of anger and despair colored Aakash's voice as he confronted Darshan.

"How could this happen under your watch? You couldn't keep her safe from the media for just 8 months? I've managed to protect her identity for 19 years! Do you have any idea how challenging it was to refrain from revealing to the world that she's my own beautiful daughter?"

Darshan's disappointment in himself was evident as he cast his gaze downwards. The initial surprise he felt gradually gave way to overwhelming guilt and sadness. He longed to remedy the situation, to mend the shattered pieces of Esha's world in a heartbeat.

In a hushed voice, he whispered, "I am sorry, sir." The weight of his remorse was palpable, and he wished he could turn back time to undo the pain inflicted upon Esha.

"Apologies can't erase all these allegations from my little girl, can they?" Aakash sighed, his voice tinged with sadness.

No solution seemed capable of mending this situation. Having experienced similar circumstances himself, Aakash understood that such allegations had a way of clinging to a person, irrespective of their achievements. He could relate to the plight of being labeled with hurtful names like 'man-whore,' as it continued to haunt him, a constant reminder of his painful past filled with controversies. Not a day passed without those memories resurfacing, a haunting presence in his life.

Against Esha's expectations, Aakash didn't engage in a confrontation with Darshan. Though he felt anger, sadness weighed more heavily on his heart. He was heartbroken, not for himself this time, but for his daughter.

Kneeling before Esha, Darshan gently cupped her face in his hands, trying to comfort her despite the weight of his own emotions. He affectionately called her "Skittles," trying to coax a response from her. But Esha was emotionally drained, her energy sapped by the relentless storm of emotions. All she could manage was a blink, tearful and distant.

"We'll find a way to fix everything, Eshu. Please don't be so quiet. Talk to me, baby. It's breaking my heart to see you like this," Darshan's voice trembled, and a single tear escaped from his eyes. Esha reached out to wipe the tear, but it only added to Darshan's pain. He had  to be the one to wipe away her tears, not the other way around.

With tenderness, she nestled into his arms, resting her head on his chest. His embrace enveloped her, providing a sense of security. It was as if he sought to shield her from any further harm, but deep down, he knew he couldn't stop her from hurting entirely.

From his vantage point, Aakash observed his daughter seeking solace in the embrace of this stranger. While her expressions remained inscrutable, Aakash had an innate understanding that she felt secure in his arms. With a heart weighed down by emotions and a mind in turmoil, Aakash made the difficult decision to leave the house, determined to find a resolution to this distressing situation.

As Darshan tenderly kissed Esha's forehead, an overwhelming rush of emotions surged through him. He felt her slipping away, like grains of sand slipping through his fingers, and the realization pained him deeply. Esha's numbness, her inability to articulate her feelings, tugged at his heartstrings. He understood that she was going through a tumultuous time, yet she still sought to express her affection physically, providing comfort to him even in her own distress.

Both of them longed to communicate, to share their emotions and thoughts, but Esha's mind was enveloped in numbness, leaving her unable to form words. Despite her struggle, she desired to be there for Darshan, knowing that he too needed to talk and find solace in her presence. However, she recognized that she wasn't in the right state of mind to engage in a conversation.


hey y'all

here's another chapter


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