Betrayal Fucking Sucks - Let Me Hold You Together

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Authors Note
I have a couple more ideas for BlackYok, but overall, I found writing this chapter really difficult, so I probably won't continue much more with BlackYok, however I will be continuing with BlackGumpa, BlackGram and BlackTodd so please be patient!!
Than you for reading so far
- JellyFishes <3

Black never thought he'd see Yok like this, offering a glimmer of hope from the anger that consumed him. His tender words cut through Black's heart like shards of glass.

They weren't even close, though they ran in the same gang for years, Black often ignored Yok, focusing his time on Todd, his now ex-boyfriend.

It was Todd who hurt him, putting Black in a two-month-long coma and having White replace him.

The memory of Todd's fear and anger haunted him, the sheer anger Black harbored for being unable to kill Todd drove him insane.

Betrayal hurt like hell, and the thought of being in love with Todd was a bitter pill to swallow.

Haunted by these agonizing thoughts, Black found himself outside Yok's apartment, clutching a half-empty bottle of whiskey in his hand, a half smoked cigarette between his lips. He was drunk and angry, consumed by pain that gnawed at his soul. The wounds of Todd's betrayal were still fresh, and the revenge he had taken by putting Todd in a coma offered little comfort.

Yok's words still rang fresh in Black's battered mind.

"I know what it's like to be betrayed, Black. It's tough, but you'll be alright. You can lean on me."

So, he banged on Yok's door with force, his knuckles raw and bleeding. Yok opened the door, confusion etched on his face as he took in the sight of the shattered boy before him.

"Black?" Yok's voice tinted with a mix of surprise and concern. When Black didn't respond, Yok let out a deep breath, "yeah, Black, yeah, get your ass in here."

Without a word, Black stumbled inside, his balance wavering as he made his way to the living room. He collapsed onto the couch.

"Make it fucking stop, Yok," Black's voice was raw with pain. "I can't get his face out of my head, I can't get rid of him!"

Yok closed the door behind him with a soft click, and sat down next to Black, trying to comprehend the storm of emotions that had landed on his couch in the middle of the night.

"I know it hurts, Black," Yok said softly. "But you'll be alright. I know you will."

Black's eyes ignited with anger at Yok's words, "How can you be so fucking okay after everything Dan did to you? He exposed our gang, got you shot, and nearly got you all killed!"

Yok looked down, a shadow crossing his face. "I'm not okay, Black. Not anymore."

The sadness in Yok's voice was a shock to Black, who realised exactly how hurt Yok had been from Dan. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his drunken thoughts.

"When you forgave Dan at the art exhibit, I thought you were fucking stupid, but I at least thought he had learned his lesson. And then you turned up at the garage. You were fucking sobbing, told us that you had caught him cheating on you," Black muttered, his voice thick and laced with bitterness.

"But, you never showed it after that day, you broke down, but the day after you were okay, laughing, joking, setting fucking fireworks off again and I didn't understand." It was beyond confusing for Black; that day etched into his mind, he couldn't grasp how or why Yok had gone about everything like it was all normal.

Yok nodded, tears rolling down his face in a cascade of sadness, "I wanted to move on, I'm fine during the daytime, I can pretend, you know? But shit, Black, at night it hurts, it fucking hurts to lie here alone, and I end up thinking; what did I do wrong? Why did he have to hurt me the second time? Was once not enough?"

Black reached out, wiping away Yok's tears with a gentle touch, "nothing, Yok, you did nothing wrong. I'm sorry you were hurt."

It was a shock to Yok, hearing Black apologise, but he gave a watery smile. "It's alright, I'll get past it eventually."

In that moment, something clicked inside Black; the pain, the anger, the emptiness that he found so fucking suffocating - he wasn't alone in that feeling. Yok had suffered too, yet each day he continued, he pushed past the need to give up.

Black leaned in, pressing his lips hesitantly against Yok's, tender, no rush, and no sparks that ignited the longing he would get when kissing Todd.

Not until Yok pressed back, driving the tender, hesitant kiss into something more, something that sent shockwaves of pleasure between them, electrifying.

Pulling back, panting heavily and with hooded eyes, Black whispered, "I don't want to be alone, Yok." Tears still silently streamed down his cheeks, "I can't forget it, I can't move past what happened."

Yok pulled him closer, until he was nestled on Yok's lap, clutching his shirt now soaked with Black's tears, "you're not alone now, Black. You have me, and we can heal together, yeah?"

And in that small, dimly lit safe house, where Yok had his heart destroyed, two souls found solace in each other's arms. Black didn't care that they were barely friends, and Yok didn't care either.

It would take time for either boy to get past what had happened; Todd would eventually wake up from his coma, and Black might slip back into old habits, but with Yok's warm embrace, Black couldn't see it happening any time soon.

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