I'd Burn The World For You Darlin'

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Part Two!
This is a three part BlackTodd story!
Please enjoy.
- Jellyfishes <3

Black was stubborn; this was something he used as his armor, most of the time to protect his heart from Todd and the fear of falling for him even more.

He had feelings he wouldn't dwell on towards Todd - love and hate intertwined, creating a twisted waltz of passion and hatred. On those days, he found himself in a tangled mess of bed sheets and heated kisses that masked the burning rage beneath.

Most often than not, Black found himself subtly enjoying Todd's overbearing company, and though they hardly ever saw eye to eye, he longed to be wrapped in those expensive bed sheets right now.

The plan had been executed perfectly. Tawi's house had burned to a crumbled pile of ash, and Black, along with his gang, had returned uninjured and high on the adrenaline rush.

But in the aftermath, Todd's words haunted Black as they gathered back at the garage. "I'd burn the world for you," he had said. The memory left a bitter longing in Black's stomach.

Black had every intention to go back to Todd, even after their argument. He couldn't stay away for long; being with Todd had become one of his favorite times.

That was what Black concentrated on right now as Tawi's underdogs continued their constant attack on him. His ribs already splintered from their relentless boots, each kick sent waves of agony shooting through his tortured body.

"Is the little fish enjoying our company?" one of the henchmen sneered, kicking Black in the ribs again.

Black managed to muster a bitter laugh. "You think this is gonna break me? Untie me and see who's the little fish."

The gang member's eyes blazed with fury, and he delivered another vicious kick, causing Black to grunt in agony. But he refused to give them the satisfaction of begging for mercy.

The shortest man snarled, venom dripping from his lips, "Tawi will get rid of you, then go back for your friends." Each word was a knife, dipped in acid, as it severed Black's nerves. Another painful boot connected with his stomach, and all Black could taste was blood.

For a brief moment, Black's thoughts turned to his twin brother, White, safe in Russia. Usually, Black wished more than anything to have White home with him, but now he found some twisted solace in the fact that White couldn't feel the pain he was enduring. Their bond was nothing short of a bless and a curse.

As the assault continued, Black could hear the largest henchman taunting him with a sadistic smirk, "Boss said we can have fun with you until he arrives, so little fish - is the pond too big for you now?" The words felt like salt in each open cut that covered Black's beaten body.

Closing his eyes, Black's mind wandered back to Todd; he hated him just as much as he fucking loved him, and he would give everything to have just stayed in his penthouse, stayed with him regardless of his anger.

His heart cried out, but Black didn't utter a word as the pain continued to rain over his body. His mind was safe and sound, away from the beatings, and he cried for Todd, for his best friend to stay true to his promised words, to burn the world, to fucking rescue him.

Suddenly, hands gripped Black's throat, and darkness began to take over. In that moment, an odd sense of relief washed over him, as if painkillers surged through his veins. He knew his time was limited; tonight might be his last night alive.

Black wished for a moment, begging whoever was listening, that he could go back, that he could have stopped himself from leaving Todd's penthouse without fixing things, without telling his best friend that he was in love with him.

Suddenly, a cold voice cut through the air. "Enough."

The hands seemed to vanish, and he heard the chilling voice of Tawi shout out into the abandoned warehouse, "don't kill him just yet, we can use him as bait for the rest of his pathetic gang." The voice called out, and Black felt anger surge through his veins.

Tawi sneered, "you always did have a way of making things interesting. But your little games are coming to an end."

Black spat blood onto the ground, glaring defiantly at Tawi. "Untie me, you fucker."

Tawi chuckled darkly. "Oh, have you still not learned? You're not getting out of here. You see, I have something special planned for you, a surprise for your dear friend Todd."

Despite the pain, fear began to gnaw at Black's heart. He knew Tawi was capable of the most sadistic acts, and the thought of him targeting Todd sent a surge of adrenaline through his weakened body.

"You touch him, and I'll break your fucking fingers; even death won't stop me from getting you," Black growled, his voice hoarse but strong.

Tawi's grin widened, doting on Black's defiance. "That's the spirit. That's the little shit who thinks he's top dog. Just wait, Todd will get a front-row seat to your death."

The attack had paused momentarily before resuming with even greater brutality. Boots kicking at his body, his face, his arm was snapped in a manner that Black knew had broken it. Yet in the depth of his pain, Black just longed for Todd, longed for his touch, his voice, the reassurance he brought. He even found himself missing those fucking bed sheets he had once scoffed at; he could remember telling him how stupid it was to spend so much money on bedding.

After what felt like hours, Tawi let out a dark laugh. Black hadn't been able to see him as his eyes were swollen shut. "Well, looks like nobody cares that the little fish is gone," the man taunted. "Untie him, let him fight."

Black smirked; this was what he needed. If they untied him, Black would make them pay; he would stop them from getting near Todd or his gang; he would protect them all.

The chair Black was tied to would make a good weapon. If he threw his weight just right, it would snap and crumble quickly. So, as one of Tawi's henchmen began tugging the ropes free, Black launched himself sideways, using his limp arm as leverage until the chair snapped beneath his weight.

In one quick movement, though pain shot through his ribs and arm, Black pulled free a sharp wooden frame from the chair and swung it down on the henchman's head. A sickening crack echoed through the warehouse, followed by sinister clapping.

"Well, looks like you've still got energy," Tawi snarled, "good, because by the time your precious Todd arrives, you'll be as good as dead." The words were venom, but Black didn't flinch.

"Do your worst because if you don't kill me, I'll make sure to kill you." Black spat, blood dripping from his mouth, but a dark look took over his eyes.

"Just give up; you've done nothing but be a thorn in my side for too long now. Burning my house was the last straw," Tawi snapped, taking a menacing step forward, "I'll kill you, and then your lovely Todd, and finally your gang."

The words didn't matter to Black; he wouldn't let Tawi win; he would end this tonight, even outnumbered. Black would win.

Lifting the blood-splattered wood high, Black froze as the loud booms of fireworks could be heard outside.

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