Fireworks And Feelings.

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Black despised Yok, and that was evident to everyone around them. He wouldn't sit near him, wouldn't drink with him, and rarely spoke to him unless it involved calling him out on some shit that Yok never fully understood. So how the hell did Black find himself in an empty field, drinking lukewarm beer with Yok by his side?

The night was dark, with only the moon to provide a faint glow. The warm air clung to Black uncomfortably, and he resented every moment he spent with Yok. For fuck's sake, Black hated Yok, and he hated the fact that he was here right now.

It was Black's idea, his stupid fucking idea.

Yok, always drawn to danger and excitement, grinned mischievously as he pulled out a box of saved fireworks from their latest mission. "Hey, Black, wanna see something amazing?"

Black's heart skipped a beat, and he felt an odd sensation deep within him. He couldn't tear his eyes away from Yok - the way his eyes sparkled, the curve of his lips that seemed so captivating. It frustrated Black to no end, and he fought against the desire to punch Yok and then kiss the pain away.

He didn't need to answer Yok's question; he watched as Yok expertly lit the first firework, the flames reflecting in his eyes. Black's heart raced, and for a moment, he couldn't ignore the strange feelings stirring within him.

Yok held a firework in each hand, and the colours illuminated his face as he swayed and danced around, creating a mesmerising display. Black couldn't deny that Yok looked breathtaking, but he refused to acknowledge the truth behind the twisting feeling in his stomach.

"You see?" Yok said, his voice carrying a note of triumph. "It's like magic."

"It's just fireworks," Black snapped, trying to sound unaffected, but his voice betrayed the turmoil within. "Nothing magical about them."

Yok smirked, still dancing with the dangerous flames. The scent of sulphur lingered in the air, clouding Black's mind. He closed his eyes, attempting to gather his thoughts and push aside the emotions threatening to overwhelm him.

"Hey, Ai'Black," Yok's voice brought him back to reality. "Are you okay?"

Black hated him so fucking much.

When he opened his eyes, the fireworks had faded, but Yok still looked unbelievably pretty.

"I hate how pretty you look," Black muttered under his breath, a mixture of frustration and longing in his voice.

Yet, despite the hate, Black found himself stumbling toward Yok, his grip tight on him.

"I hate you," he repeated, trying to convince himself.

He hated that, as he took the plunge and pressed his lips against Yok's in a ferocious kiss, the fireworks seemed to relight and explode into the night sky around them. Each explosion sparking a fire they couldn't ignore.

He despised how Yok's slender fingers gripped his waist, but instead of pulling away, Black pushed forward, meeting Yok's body with his own. It felt like they were playing with fire, tempting fate, and Black couldn't bring himself to stop.

A whimper escaped his lips as Yok kissed him back with so much fucking emotion, and Black felt like they were drowning in the depth of their desires. It was maddening and intoxicating all at once, but he hated that he couldn't resist.

"Show me, Black," Yok whispered against his lips. "Show me how much you hate me."

Black couldn't resist. The words like heroin to him, so fucking absurdly addicting. He fell to his knees, fumbling with numb fingers to take Yok into his mouth, hating the feeling because it felt so fucking right.

The fireworks continued to illuminate the sky, surrounding them with a colourful display as they surrendered to their emotions, losing the last shreds of restraint they had left.

Black despised how much Yok made him feel, and he loathed how the fireworks seemed to mirror the chaos of their emotions. But in that twisted moment, all Black could think about was how the explosions in the sky felt as though they were inside his chest.

Tomorrow they would hate one another again, but whenever Black or Yok caught a glimpse of another firework, they would always remember just how much they could make each other feel.

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