I'd Burn The World For You, Darlin'

112 3 16

Part One.
Authors Note ; this is going to be a three part chapter, I had a couple of ideas for this chapter but finally settled on this - please enjoy!
- Jellyfishes <3

Todd was a patient man, accustomed to Black coming and going as he pleased. There was no official title to their relationship; they had once been best friends, but as they reached adulthood, lines blurred, and a passionate fire ignited between them.

However, that wasn't to say they always got along, because they didn't. Most of the time, Black and Todd were at each other's throats, shouting and screaming until their voices turned raw. Yet, in a fit of anger, they would kiss, only to wake up the next morning naked and entangled in Todd's expensive bedsheets.

Todd had once told Black that he would burn the world to ash for him, but Black had simply rolled his eyes, ignoring the comment before connecting their lips in an unspoken agreement.

Black never tested Todd's theory, and Todd found no reason to prove his words - until one fateful night when a knock echoed on his penthouse door.

Black had always kept Todd separate from his gang, never introducing them to each other. Though he mentioned them occasionally, Black refused to label their unconventional relationship by introducing Todd to his world.

So, Todd was taken aback when he opened the door to find one of his guards arguing with a group of boys. Fear settled in the pit of Todd's stomach - these boys had no business standing outside his home in the early hours of the morning, especially without Black present.

Todds's tired voice cut through their argument, freezing everyone in their places. "Let them through." He shouted, "I know who they are, let them through," he insisted, waving the group inside.

Among the visitors were Gumpa, the owner of the garage where Black found refuge during their arguments, Gram, Black's irritating best friend, Yok, the guy who loved fireworks, and Sean, Black's worst enemy.

"I assume you're here for a reason? I can't imagine Black would have sent you without one," Todd inquired, seating himself on the couch, his gaze shifting between the four wide-eyed boys.

"You've got money," Yok sneered, and Todd coughed slightly, pointing towards the other couch.

"I take it Black hasn't exactly told you much about me?" Todd retorted, shaking his head as he poured himself a glass of watered-down whisky.

"So, why exactly are you here? I wasn't aware that Black liked to introduce his fuck buddies to his gang," Todd sipped the liquid, crossing his legs beneath himself.

"Black was kidnapped," Gram growled, shooting Todd a look of disgust as he grabbed the half-empty whisky bottle.

Todd's heart pounded in his chest as he sobered up, realising the gravity of the situation. "How long has he been missing?" he inquired, now fully awake and alert.

"When did you last see him?" Gumpa questioned, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees.

"Two weeks ago, on the fourth of this month. We had an argument about a plot of land in the south. I told him I wanted to build a school there, and he said it was bullshit and left. We don't always see eye to eye," Todd confessed, revealing his determination to stand for what he believed in, just like Black did.

Todd wanted to help Black and his cause, and he had secretly used his money to build schools and housing for the poor.

"Have yo-" Todd began, only o be cut off as his phone screen lit up.

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