Goodbye, Sleeping Beauty.

68 1 44

Alternate Ending
I'm sorry <3
- Jellyfishes <3

"Fuck me, I need to forget," he begged, and Gram simply nodded his head, numb to Black's cold demands.

It was a brief, intense, and painful encounter, exactly how Black wanted it. And as their climax built, his phone rang loudly.

Tears welled in Black's eyes, but Gram knew better than to ask, so he continued his rhythmic thrusts as Black shakily answered the phone.

"Khun Black?" It was one of the nurses, and Black's heart felt like it stopped. "Todd's heart stopped, we did all we could, but-."

Black stilled, tears falling from his eyes as he trembled with exhaustion and despair. "I-I'm on my way."

He didn't bother to look at Gram as he slipped off him, dressed himself, and ran out of the dorm room into the silent night, heading straight to the hospital.

Todd was gone, and Black's misery would surely suffocate him.


Black wandered down the silent hospital corridors, lost in a haze of anger, desperation, and heartbreak. It was bitterly ironic that he trudged back to the room that had become both his sanctuary and prison – the place where Todd now lay dead, no longer suspended between life and death, the same fucking bed that Black had been in when he was in a coma.

The door to Todd's room was ajar, and the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor no longer called out. Black couldn't breathe; his tears flowed like streams of water cascading from his eyes. His heart had shattered.

"Please," he feebly called out as he pushed open the door slowly.

The room remained silent, Todd's nurses stood inside, heads bowed with respect as Black tiptoed closer to the bed. "Todd?" He called out, his voice cracking with pain.

"Wake up," Black begged, placing a hand on Todd's cheek. "Please wake up."

The nurses whispered something about giving him time alone to say goodbye, but he didn't tear his eyes from Todd, waves of anger and sadness crashing over him.

He stood, tears falling faster and faster as he shook Todd with weak hands. "Wake up, damn it!"

Unbeknownst to Black, several figures had gathered at the door, silently crying as they watched him beg for his love to come back to him.

"Don't you dare leave me, Todd!" Black screamed, his knees buckling as he dropped to the floor by Todd's bed. "You promised we would stay together!"

By the door, stood Gram and the gang, having followed Black after he left. Gram had called the gang to meet him, but nobody had expected the events they were witnessing. White could feel his brother's pain, the heartbreak he was experiencing.

"Please," Black repeated, but the answer he longed for never came.

White couldn't bear to witness the scene and pushed forward, enveloping Black in a tight hug.

But Black didn't want comfort; he didn't want care. "Get off me!" He screamed, pulling away from the gesture, his hands shaking with anger.

"Don't fucking touch me!" Black cried out as he shoved White away. "Why are you here?"

Black moved quickly towards Todd's lifeless body, fixing the bedsheet and stroking his cheek gently. "Sorry Todd, I'll send them away, okay?" He smiled a watery smile.

"Black?" Gram stepped forward, reaching out slowly towards Black. "Why don't we head back to the garage?"

Black cringed, shuffling closer to Todd, the thought of being separated from him surging anger through Black's veins.

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