Wake Up, Sleeping Beauty.

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Part Three.
Again, I'm sorry in advance <3
Final part.
Love, Jellyfishes <3

With a sinister smile on his face and his hands trembling with anticipation, Black wandered down the silent hospital corridors, lost in a twisted mix of fear and happiness. It was a sick irony that he returned to that room once again, a place that was both sanctuary and prison for him - Todd was awake, no longer suspended between life and death. It was the same room, the same fucking bed, but a new hope.

The door to Todd's room was slightly ajar, and the rhythmic beep of the heart monitor grated on Black's nerves. But as he took a deep breath, Black couldn't feel the numbness, the empty feeling he had felt for so fucking long.

"Is he coming?" Todd's hoarse voice echoed from within the room, and Black's heart skipped with anticipation.

Without hesitation, Black kicked the door open, the loud thud echoing through the room. He strode over to Todd's side, tears streaming down his face.

The nurses who knew Black, watched with smiles on their faces, unknowingly abetting this twisted love affair.

"You're awake," he said, his voice oozing with deceit. "You came back to me."

Todd's watery eyes widened, but his expression was unreadable. "Of course I came back," he whispered, "I'd never leave you."

Black let out a fake sob, his acting skills perfected over time. "You were asleep for so long," he said, pretending to be overcome with emotions, "you wouldn't wake up."

"I'm here now," Todd spoke softly with a dark glint in his eyes, "I'm here now, Black."

The nurses in the room smiled at the interactions, not realising the subtle anger and loathing hidden behind the words, not seeing the dark smirks on both men's lips. They silently left the room, allowing the couple to reunite.

Unbeknownst to Black, several figures had gathered and now stood at the door, silently watching the reunion, but they were oblivious to the true motives behind his tears.

Gram had followed Black, calling the gang to join him, and that's where they stood, a mixture of anger and regret swarming them as they watched Black cry desperately into Todd's embrace.

"I love you, Black," Todd croaked, running a hand through Black's hair, tugging at it with a deep desire, "I missed you. Next time - wait a bit before you put me in a coma. I only had half a day with you."

Black chuckled darkly, his fake emotions dissipating into thin air. "Shut up, stupid," he sneered, pulling back from Todd's touch, "I love you too, but put me in another coma and I'll make sure you don't wake up this time."

Todd let out a humorless laugh, his eyes never leaving Black's. "Oh, I know," he said, a sinister glint in his gaze, "I know you'd come back to me, no matter what."

"Ai'Todd! You've only just woken up!" Black giggled, trying to climb off Todd.

The gang watched with wide eyes and mouths hung open; they had never heard Black laugh, let alone fucking giggle. Gram's heart shattered at the beautiful sound that came from Black.

"Did you get up to much while I was sleeping?" Todd purred, his hands wrapped around Black's waist, "shit - I've missed you."

"I left the gang, fucked Gram for a while, slept here every night." Black explained, shrugging his shoulders, "waited for you, I cried a lot as well."

The gang, still listening to the exchange, turned to face Gram, who was silently crying. Hearing Black say those words so nonchalantly destroyed him. Gram realised that Black would never return his feelings.

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